Chapter Three - Team Seven & Akai

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I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. There was a problem with my laptop but don't worry I have found a solution :D Well here's the third chapter so I'm guessing this where people starting voting, so I know whether to continue this story or not, but I hope you like it and I promise to upload quicker in the coming future :D

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- Akai's P.O.V -

I sigh wearily in front of the academy building, dreading the incoming event. Today is the day that the so called 'graduation exams' transpire and to be honest, I find it really pathetic. I can't comprehend why it's so necessary.

"Why do we even have to do it anyway?" I huff to no one in particular, an eye twitch forming on my left brow as I glance at the other students filing into the building. As usual, they're all smiles and chatter, making me the only one with a frown.

A groan escapes my lips as I hear the bell ring and I refrain myself from bolting away from here.

I so don't want to do this...

"Akai, did you know that you're going to be graduating tomorrow at the academy?" Kakashi's voice sounds from the kitchen along with rattling.

I sigh before continuing to read a book I found in in Kakashi's draws other than those perverted books of his. "No, I didn't." I reply nonchalantly, flipping the page and resting my elbow on the arm of the chair as I rest my head on my fist.

Kakashi pokes his head from the kitchen, confusion in his lone eye. "They should've told by now." He says and I sigh loudly, still not taking my eyes of the book.

"Well, they didn't." I repeat in exasperation. I could see his incredulous look from the corner of my eye.

"Or maybe you just didn't pay attention." He suggests as he deadpans. Tearing my eyes from my current page, I glance at Kakashi nonchalantly before resuming my reading.

"That's most likely..." I mutter, flipping the page again. The Scarecrow sighs before continuing with what he was doing in the kitchen.

Over the past few months, Kakashi has been trying to start up conversation with me, asking questions to see if it might rekindle my memory but nothing seemed to work. Mostly because I didn't want to have conversation and I didn't bother trying to remember on some occasions. Even if I did, it's not like I'll tell him.

Living with him hasn't been too bad either which I hate to admit. He's not so over bearing and gives me my space, which I'm grateful for but sometimes he ruins that concept. Our little challenge is still ongoing with me in the lead. I'll admit that he has outsmarted me once but I won't fall for the same trick twice. Now, I just ignore his requests which are simple enough.

Academy lessons have been the definition of boredom. The only thing that makes it at least bearable is Naruto's one-sided conversations that I don't really pay attention to but also don't mind hearing. There are times when he wants me to give him an answer and he's adamant that I give him one so I just give him monosyllabic responses to shut him up but he in the end gives up although I know he'll just bother me later.

I've gathered that the pinkette's name is Sakura. Her name would've been nice if it wasn't for...well, her. She seems to have an issue with me that I'm unaware of and looks for every excuse to argue with me. It's easy to ignore her but it's irritating to hear that the subject of the argument is Sasuke, the "hottest" boy in the academy, apparently. Does she not understand that I don't care if he's the wealthiest in whole world? I don't care enough to pay attention to him or his looks but when I do, it's because he has the issue of watching me. It's unsettling to have someone's eyes trailing your every move.

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