Chapter Four - Survival Test

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Here's the fourth chaper!! I'm really excited about this story, I worked overtime to get it up here but here it is! Hope you enjoy :)

This chapter is dedicated to Gracefulli because she has encouraged me to carry on with this story no matter how small. Thanks again Gracefulli :D

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- Akai's P.O.V -

Eyes fluttering open, I blink away the bleariness of sleep, inclining my head tiredly to the digital clock sitting on the bedside table. Releasing a yawn, I pull away the blankets, swinging my legs off the bed and slowly standing up, stretching.

"So much better..." I mumble, glancing back down at the clock. Kakashi told us to be at the training grounds for five. It's now four-thirty. Should I start getting ready so I can be the first one there or should I just go there later? Hmm...

Decisions, decisions...

Having decided that I'll go to the training grounds later, I make my way into the kitchen for something to drink, passing the couch to see the said man still sleeping soundlessly as if he hasn't got somewhere to be.

I roll my eyes as I enter the kitchen, taking a glass from the drying rack and filling it up with cold water from the tap. I down the whole glass and breathing a sigh of consolation, I lean my lower back against the counter.

I stare tiredly down at my empty glass when an idea pops into my head and I smirk widely before whirling around to refill my glass. With my glass refilled, I quietly stride over to the couch and hold the glass above Kakashi's face.

"Don't even think about it..." He drawls without even opening his eyes and I pause in tilting the glass, sighing with disappointment. Why did he have to wake up? Kakashi slowly cracks opens his lone eye and gazes up at me sleepily.

"What do you want, Akai?" He asks on an exhale and I shrug, still holding the glass above the Jonin's face.

"It's four forty-five," I inform him nonchalantly, sliding my eyes down as he rubs his visible eye. "You have to meet the others for five. I just thought I'd do the laudable thing and be your alarm clock."

"And waking me up with a glass of water hanging over my head is admirable?" The Jonin questions drolly, reclosing his eye as he takes a deep breath.

"Yup." I answer, stone-faced before tilting my hand. I take a step back as Kakashi immediately jumps from the couch with a shout, as the contents of the glass splash all over his face and chest, shaking his face vigorously.

"Akai!" he exclaims, patting his head in a futile attempt to get rid of excess water. I casually set the empty glass down on the coffee table.

"You had no intention of getting up so..." I shrug, gesturing lackadaisically to the empty glass, making Kakashi's shoulders slump as he runs a hand down his soaked face, sighing wearily.

"I need a new mask now..." I cross my arms over my chest and sigh. This guy is so damn lazy it's a miracle that he's a Jonin and probably the one of best by the look of it if he has to look after me.

The Jonin shakes his head, trails of water running down his face and I roll my eyes, turning to go back to my room. "Akai, where are you going?" he questions after me, making me pause and glance over my shoulder.

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