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They were silent for a moment.

"Forfanden." She cursed, facepalming.

"What was that?" He asked worriedly.

"Not important, right now I need some chalk, marshmallows, matches and 15 cups of expresso."

"What the hell? Why do you want all that?!"

"I need the chalk to draw the summoning circle, the marshmallows as an offering and matches to burn said offering, duh."

"And the expresso?"

"That's so I'm too high on caffeine to think this through much, its best that I don't dwell on the fact that I'm about to rip a hole in space-time. It's kinda distracting to think about, and counterproductive."

"You're gonna drink fifteen cups of expresso?!"

"No, you're right, that's stupid."

"Thank god, you'd have a heart-"

"Get me twenty-five, I'd better have like twenty, I'm not gonna risk not being on a caffeine high when they get here- that did not work out last time- plus they'll probably want some."

"This isn't the first time you've done this?!"

"You should be happy, that means I probably won't mess up and create a black hole that swallows everything."

"You're gonna have a heart attack."

"I'd rather die on a caffeine high and summoning a demon with marshmallows like a badass, than after a long boring life of lameness."

"Fine, I'm gonna have a heart attack."

"Don't be such a baby, it'll probably be fine! Just go get me chalk, marshmallows, matches and coffee - I'll handle the rest."

"I'm going to die."

"You'll only die if I don't get everything I need - hurry up, it's easier to rip holes in reality at midnight and we're running out of time."

He left and returned fifteen minutes later with what she had requested.

"You're sure this is the only option?" He asked, handing her ten of the expressos.
"What?" She downed them like shots, he handed her ten others- setting aside five for whatever showed up, "Oh, no - there's always another option." She drank them in the same fashion as the others, sketching bizarre shapes on the floor carefully.

"Then why are we doing this?!" He exclaimed at her.

"Well, this is probably the least destructive. I mean, I could have just called Trigger to help me blow everything up and set a load of shit on fire - but she's on vacation with her sisters so it's kinda a no-go." At his expression she added, "And it would probably cause a lot of bad shit to go down, blah, blah."

"It's really concerning how casually you talk about mass destruction."

"Whatever," She finished the circle and poured all the marshmallows into the centre of the star, "Now, for a small taste of arson."

She poured one cup of expresso over the marshmallows and then produced a flask. The contents of said flask were emptied unto the pile of coffee-marshmallow gloop and had a scent reminiscent of a gas station.

"Is that-?!"

"Yes, did you really think I was kidding when I said arson?" On that note, he retreated from the immediate surroundings of the summoning circle- whilst she stuck several matches at once and held them over the coffee and gasoline soaked gloop that used to be marshmallows. "Let's raise hell."

The flaming matches dropped.

She giggled hysterically as the inferno flared, reaching for the ceiling but not quite making it. He stared at her in fear and confusion. The tongues twisted into a flaming arch around a dark abyss. Her laughter echoed and joined with the cackles of the hole. It was coming.

Raise hell indeed.

AN: So this is almost a revamp of Four, but different, same energy though. Hope you guys liked it!

fuzzyellie needs a medal because she still hasn't murdered me, damn.

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