My limbs numb and I look down on the scene before me. A pale figure stands, alone. Her hair like molten bronze as it flows in the breeze. She sways on her feet and falls, landing on her knees and staring straight ahead, with an almost smile on her face. Her eyes, the deep green windows to her very soul, reflect the dancing fire, as it consumes the building before her.

Perhaps the fire is reflected from inside, too, but it is unclear.

I blink and I am back in my own body, her body. My eyes widen, and I laugh. It is a sharp, hollow sound, drained of life- just as I am.

The flames grow higher, an intricate performance follows. The tongues twist and twirl in whorls of orange, yellow and red.

The inferno is warm, but I am chilled to my core, and a shiver sprints down my spine.

My chest constricts, and the world swims before my eyes. A warm liquid runs down my cheek, the tear tastes salty and I don't know why it is here. I am not sad, at least, I don't think I am. How can I be?

I get up, my knees cry bloody tears, from the fall, I think absently. I step closer, towards the raging inferno.

The world warps and skews, the heat distorts everything, but I don't retreat- I cannot- I advance until I could reach out and touch the embers that surround the burning building, like Dante's circle.

The flames take on an ethereal quality this close, and everything spins in dizzying and strange ways. My vision pixelates and darkens, my eyes are unfocused and they roll back into my head.

I fall, but feel nothing. I hear a fizzing sound, why is the fire crackling so loud? 

I had no choice, but I still wish there had been some other way: I didn't want this- I'm sorry!

My words are meaningless- and no one hears my apologies.

AN: And so this new book begins- I have a beta-reader from the start this time so everybody give it up for fuzzyellie!

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