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"Yeah, Joe used to run around inside me."

"Who's Joe?"

"The demon, duh."

"You're insane."

"Fuck, I hope so- otherwise I'd have serious concerns about ripping a hole in the space-time continuum."

"What the hell?!"

"Chill, it probably won't create a black hole that devours the earth." She shrugged.

"How are you not freaking out?!"

"Bitch please, I was pretty sure I was possessed when I was fifteen- I was just right."

"I was talking about the possibility of you creating a black hole! Though the demon thing is also a concern!"

"Well, I haven't destroyed the world yet, and this spell goes without a hitch- in theory."

"In theory?!"

"I haven't exactly practiced this summoning spell in real life before." Her hands move of their own accord, weaving enchanted tendrils- that were visible for only a moment before disappearing- into a doorway through realms.

"And you aren't worried?!"

"I find it better not to think about it, plus I'm on a caffeine high right now."

"This is going to end horribly."

"Yeah, probably. Let's start this schist rolling before I come to my senses and decide not to be possessed again."

"It's gonna wha-?!"

"And away we go!" She chuckled, finishing her spell with a final flourish, ripping a hole in space-time, as she had promised.

AN: Prompt-based again.
Woo-hoo! Four at once so far! I'm gonna try to keep this up!
Cookies to whoever gets the reference!
Thanks to my beta fuzzyellie!

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