"What is it you're so afraid of?" He asked her, tilting his head to the right.

"Not finding what it is I'm looking for." She replied distractedly, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she worked, almost frantically.

"What is it that you're looking for?" He looked at her as though she were a particularly unfamiliar equation- trying to decode her expression.

"The same thing everyone else is." She answered stiffly, her fingers slowing minutely. It seemed that she was considering what could happen next, the silence dragged on until he couldn't take it.

"Which is?" He questioned slowly, dragging out the 'is' in the hope she would provide a more decisive answer.

She took that moment to study him; taking in everything from his bark coloured hair and starflower eyes, to his casual attire of jeans and a blue plaid shirt. She regarded him like one regards a painting from the impressionist era- with reserved judgment and curiosity. Then she spoke.

"Someone who's demons play well with my own." Her voice cracked on the last word and their eyes met over the screen filled with text, filled with commands that were illuminated in electric green overriding a black screen- such words meant nothing to him. He was interested only in the emerald orbs that stared back at him, daring him to speak.

AN: Honestly don't know what prompted this but here it is.
Shoutout to fuzzyellie, who still hasn't murdered me, somehow...

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