mercury retrograde

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🪐Mercury Retrograde🪐

February 17 to March 10
June 18 to July 12
October 14 to November 3

It is defined as a three week period in which the planet Mercury appears to be moving in a backwards motion. During this time, many people experience a range of adverse effects, such as memory loss, loss of time, loss of items, and loss of common sense. As for technology, you can usually count on unexpected glitches to throw a wrench in your plans. Software crashes and lost emails are just some of the familiar frustrations to pop up during this time.
So with this being said, how do you handle this 3-week mercury retrograde period? It’s a time to think of things with a “re” in front of it, such as re-think, re-do, re-new, re-structure and re-evaluate.

The planet mercury rules the mind, intellect, communication and mental clarity. During a mercury retrograde period, simple acts of communication or common sense can become distorted and altered from your original intent. Instead of starting new projects, it’s time to re-look at what’s currently going on in your life. If you have a business opportunity presented to you during mercury retrograde, it’s always good to listen, rethink about what you heard and then discuss any financial details once mercury goes direct.

During mercury retrograde, always allow yourself more time. If you’re traveling, get to the airport early. Be flexible and expect the unexpected. Pause and breathe before speaking, so not to be misunderstood. Delay making big purchases, such as a home, computer equipment and electronics, until after mercury goes direct. Triple read all your emails and documents before you send them. Practice forgiveness. Use this time to finish processing any unresolved things that are lingering so that you can move on and let go. If big decisions must be made, make sure to double and triple check all the details!

Using crystals for mercury retrograde helps you to stay grounded, calm and focused. To harness a crystal’s energy whenever you might need it during these difficult three weeks, you can hold a stone your hand, place one on a bedside table and even keep one in your purse or pocket. These will help you to hold your intention to be extra thoughtful in the days ahead. In addition to Labradorite, here are some of my other favorite crystals for surviving mercury retrograde:

🔴Black Tourmaline assists in letting go of fear, anxiety and chaotic energy. It works with the root chakra, grounding you into the energy of the Earth. Black tourmaline also offers strong protective energies during this period of chaos and turmoil, helping you to feel safe, supported and secure.
🔴Hematite is one of our favorite grounding crystals. When you hold it in your hands or wear it on your body, its energy pulls you downwards, making you one with the Earth. It constantly pulls any excess, unwanted or negative energy from your body into itself to clear your energy field.
🔴Amazonite helps you to speak with clarity and grace, fostering clear communication. It offers calming and soothing energies, which will prove to be beneficial during this time of anxiety and stress.
🔴Fluorite emits peace and harmony, and helps to release stress and anxiety. Often referred to as an energetic vacuum cleaner, it sucks up and neutralizes negative energy to bring harmony and balance.
🔴Quartz Crystal brings clarity and focus. It vibrates pure white light, removing any blockages or obstacles that lie in your path.

Credit: Energy Muse

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