💡 Warding White Light💡

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★ Warding
White Light

I have mentioned using white light as a form of cleansing. This is the most common method I use because it is the most easiest one to accomplish for me at least. This white light is also good for empaths or those who struggle with negative energies.

Visualization steps:

Sit down and make yourself comfortable. You don't want to be distracted by any means. You need to pour all your focus in this. Relax and take a few deep breaths.
Visualize a white light surrounding you. Imagine that you are engulfed with this white light. That it's bright and protecting. It's keeping you safe and sound.
Set an intention. Tell this white light to expel all the negative energies and only to allow positive energies. You may also ask trusted spirits and guides to help set this intention of positive energy.
Side Notes:

Placing it on people, places, and items. You can also create a white light around people, places, and items. For added protection, I always place the white light around my house. It provides more protection!
When moving through the astral plane. I normally use a door method to move from plane to plane. As I open this door, I get flooded by white light as a method to cleanse and recharge the shield of white light.
Deities, trusted spirits, etc.

I know that a bunch of you have trusted spirits and/or are following deities. These trusted spirits only want to help you and you should never feel embarrassed for asking for help!

Ask some of them to stay behind with your physical body. Sometimes the shields you place up may fail, so it's always good to have some of these spirits around to help defend you against negative energies from harming your physical body.
Ask some of them to go with you. Protecting your astral body is just as important as protecting your physical body. You don't want damage to your astral body, it is disorienting.
Sigils and Symbols.

Sigils are protective symbols and are great for shielding! Sigils are great to bring in positive energy and get rid or keep out negative energy.

Steps to applying sigils:

Choose or make a sigil. You don't have to create your own sigil for it to work. You can find one online. Pentagrams also work and are considered to be a symbol of protection!
Draw these symbols/sigils over doors, windows, and mirrors. You can draw these symbols with some water and salt or just by using your finger. You can also draw the symbol and place it up physically on the windows/doors/mirrors. You can even print it and place it up. It's all about the intention.
As you draw or put up the symbols, set the intention. Just like the white light method. Say that these symbols are used to repel negative energy and to bring in positive energy. To keep out harmful spirits and beings.

Chants are very powerful in placing the intention of positive energy in a room.

You can use chants. Chants are very powerful ways to protect you. You can create your own chant/spell or find one online.
You can use your chants in every room. You can go into all the rooms and chant it. The more rooms you chant, the better the warding. You can even chant to specific items.

Spells are a powerful way of keeping out negative energies. I actually found a masterpost based on shielding that you guys can use.

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