💎Basic Crystal Info💎

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cleansing crystals
full moon: on the night of a full moon, leave your crystals outside to soak up the moonlight, the crystals will still receive the energy even if it's cloudy or raining! (but make sure the crystals can safely be in contact with water!!)

sunlight: leave your crystals out to bathe in the sun for a few hours (Amegreen, Amethyst, Ametrine, Aquamarine, Celestite, Citrine, Fluorite, Kunzite, Opal,Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Spirit Quartz, Super Seven, Topaz, and Turquoise should not be left out in the sun!!)

sage/incense cleansing: waft the smoke over the crystals, or hold the crystals in the smoke, let the smoke reach every side of the crystal

water: let your crystals soak in a nice cool water bath, or place them under running water, visualise the water cleaning out any negative energy (Calcite, Desert Rose, Halite, Hematite, Lodestone, Malachite, Satin Spar, and Selenite should not be placed in water!!)

earth: bury your crystals in the soil for a few hours and the earth will soak up negative energies (again, be cautious about rain!)

sound: place your crystals in front of speakers and play your favourite music!! the vibrations from sound waves will pass through the crystals and reset their vibrations to their original state

flower petals: bury your crystals in a bowl of flower petals, choose a flower that has extra healing properties to help your crystals

visualisation: hold your crystal in your hand and envision a white light surrounding it, then see a white beam pass through the crystal, taking the negative energy away

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