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Today's Herb Lesson, for those who are keeping their journals and gaining knowledge so proud of you all!
- Bay Leaves. -
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Powers: Protection, Psychic Healing, Purification, & Strength
Bay is used in Clairvoyance and wisdom brews, although its taste is strong. Bay leaves are also placed beneath the pillow to induce prophetic dreams and are burned to bring visions in clearer. Put bay leaves in each corner of the house to protect its inhabitants, or carry it with you to protect you against black magic. Place it in Windows to protect against lightening strikes. If you hang it up it prevents poltergeists ( loud noisy ghost )  from working any mischief in a home. Bay and Sandalwood can be combined to remove curses and evil spirits.

Herb of the day: Cabbage
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Luck
Cabbage should be planted in a newly wedded couples garden if they wish to succeed in their relationship.

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