Flower Spell to Release the Past

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Flower Spell to Release the Past

1) Take your flower outside to nature if you can (if you’re unable to, you can always just use a trash bin).
2) Think about all the things you wish to let go of. It can be things from yesterday or ten years ago. Just hold them steady in your mind without causing yourself distress. Or you can just focus on one specific thing if you’d like.
3) Either aloud or to yourself, say what you want to release as you pull the petals off and drop them one by one. If it’s breezy, make sure the petals are falling away from you.
4) For the stem, visualize it as the chain that kept you connected to what you want to release. Then break it very deliberately into two pieces. Break it as many times as you want. Toss it away.
5) Express your gratitude to the flower and then if you pray to any deities or guides, etc, you can acknowledge them too. Then walk away (if you used the trash, it’s best to take it out right after).
Notes: You can get emotional & channel that if you like. Just make sure you’re safe. I would also recommend grounding when you’re done (here) and doing something that makes you happy.

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