Common Dream Symbols A-E

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Accidents: a change in life status
Airplane: reach for your goals
Alcohol: pleasure and wealth
Ancestors: good news from far away
Angel: a long, happy, peaceful life
Ants: the ability to make a great sum
of money
Antiques: a well kept secret being
Apple: riches and contentment
Apron: good health and prosperity
Artist: Pleasure, good fortune in
current projects


Baby: good health, financial success
Bacon: a happy marriage in the near future
Balcony: happy love affairs
Balloon: a rise in financial status
Barn: wealth
Bath: pleasure
Beach: peace and satisfaction
Beads: good decisions will bring prosperity and wealth
Bees: fertility and abundance
Birds nest: good luck and happiness
Bottle: good health through moderation
Bracelet: a new romantic interest
Bridge: the end of problems


Cake: an extreme financial gain
Camp fire: good health
Candle: knowledge, successful future
Cards: dreams realized and met with fruition
Cat: stealth
Cemetery: shrewd business transaction
Chapel: a prosperous happy marriage
Clock: steady successful employment
Crocodile: an uncovered secret
Cup: sudden wealth, luck in the matters of the heart


Daisies: good luck
Dance: joyous contentment
Diamond: raise in salary
Dog: kind and faithful friend
Duck: a trip over water


Eagle: freedom associated with sudden wealth
Elephant: power, success, dignity
Envelope: message by mail. if empty, sad news.
Eyes: a great understanding of people

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