20 - Choosing Pain Over Love

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"I am not losing you again," Wanda hissed under her breath

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"I am not losing you again," Wanda hissed under her breath. Her magic focused harder on Pietro's brain, to try and give it the shock it needed to restart itself. She had seen the subtle muscle twitches in his body. It was a start, but not nearly enough of a result to her liking.

Wanda was not worried about time constraints, her magic still lingered over the heroes' minds around the facility. They were engaged in fights with one another. Based on what she felt through her control, none had died as of yet. There was still time for that to happen. It was going to happen. It was one of the things she would have accomplished before she left.

"Maybe he needs more help," Helena suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm only touching an arm, that's not going to help. I might need to move to his head, or his heart."

Wanda pursed her lips. With some magic, she maneuvered Helena closer to Pietro. One hand went over his chest, where his heart was. The other was planted against the side of his face. Wanda was not fond of the black veins on her brother's body, but if they helped restore him...she would get used to the look.

A small part of Wanda hated herself. She was using Helena for her own gain. But wasn't that the original purpose of the girl? To use her as such? As a means to revive Pietro, no, Helena was never thought of for that use. She had been intended to help destroy the Avengers. One blast from her power...they wouldn't have lasted.

"Do not worry, we have plenty of time," Wanda said when she noticed Helena's nervous look.

"I'm not worried about time. I'm...I'm worried about what may come back if we get him back. Like I said I've...I've never done this before. My ability only makes people ill and kills them. It's not made to help pull people back from the dead."

"Today, we may have just proven that statement wrong." A wry smile touched Wanda's lips. The smile soon vanished when she noticed tears gathering in Helena's eyes. "What's wrong? Does this hurt you?"

"No...but it's going to hurt you."

Before Wanda could get the question out, Helena's hand latched onto Wanda's. The witch screamed as black veins crawled along her skin. Her chest began to tighten, her lungs felt as though hands squeezed them. Wanda stumbled back, eyes popping in horror at Helena's sudden action.

Helena remained by Pietro's body, the tears now freefalling down her face.

"W-why?" Wanda sputtered.

"You can't be talked down. You won't take the hexes off of them. You're so driven by revenge..."

Wanda lost her balance, collapsing to the floor. She felt the urge to throw up.

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