14 - A Surprise Gone Wrong

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"You can't! Don't—don't take her from me!" Wanda yelled

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"You can't! Don't—don't take her from me!" Wanda yelled.

The Avengers had detained her, putting a shock collar on her for every time she attempted to use her powers. Helena had been captured as well. Wanda could only fearfully guess what they were doing to her.

They could be hurting her, torturing her for information. They could be brainwashing her to turn her against Wanda.

"She has nothing to do with this!" Wanda roared, smacking the walls of her cage. "Let her go!"

She gave a second's thought about destroying the security cameras that watched her every move. She was unsure if they had audio, if they could hear her desperate pleas to have them leave Helena alone.

Helena had to be scared. What if they scared her to the point she exploded with power, infecting them all? It wouldn't be such a bad thought, in theory. It would only hurt Helena more, though, if that ever happened. It would be a good day for Wanda.

But...would it, really? Helena was no longer a tool in Wanda's plans. She had feelings for the raven-haired girl. She couldn't let anything hurt her. She couldn't let her powers hurt her self-esteem.

"Let me see her, if you won't let her go. You owe me that much at least!" Wanda continued to rant. She grabbed at the shock collar, receiving no shock for attempting to rip it off. Only a remote could shut it off, and it was nowhere in sight.

Tears of frustration pooled in Wanda's eyes. She wanted her power to let loose, to level the new Avengers facility. It wanted to do so. Maybe she could withstand the shock, the pain, and go through with it.

The thought was very tempting.

They are messing with the wrong person. If they hurt her, they will not live to try again.



Wanda sprang out of bed, nearly bouncing out of it, at the loud impact. Red wisps disappeared from around her. She sighed heavily. Another bad dream to make her bed levitate.


Wanda looked around the other side of the bed in fear she had jolted Helena out of a sound sleep. But her girlfriend was nowhere to be found. Maybe she's in the bathroom. But the door to said room remained open, indicating the room was vacant.

Wanda pursed her lips. She searched around for any indication of Helena's whereabouts.

She had left the room, that much was clear.

Wait, I'm doing this the dumb way. I can follow her "scent" like I did before to find her! Though she knew Helena could fend for herself if need be, after the events of yesterday, Wanda worried that the Avengers would send another member to snatch Helena to "safety".

Using her magic, Wanda closed her eyes slightly, allowing herself to familiarize with Helena's "scent" again. It was very distinct, almost like a magic trail.

With her starting point, Wanda left the hotel room. She didn't want to worry just yet; that would happen when she knew she absolutely couldn't find Helena.

Helena's "scent" led Wanda away from the hotel, towards one of the local bakeries. She smiled. She was going to surprise me with breakfast. It made sense why she wouldn't have left a note, it would've spoiled the surprise.

Wanda stepped into the bakery, the scent of fresh breakfast made her stomach growl.

Helena's "scent" was strong here, like she had been here for a little bit. Wanda noticed the cashier.

"Excuse me," she said politely, "I'm looking for someone, I think they might've stopped here."

"Depends on who you're looking for."

"A girl, maybe about my height. Dark hair, with blue streaks in it."

"Oh, yeah, she was here this morning. Had a hard time figuring out what to get, that one. She didn't get anything though, she followed some guy out of here."

"Some guy? Could you describe him for me?"

"Um, he was maybe a bit taller than her. Had a serious air about him. Blue eyes, stern voice."

In the back of Wanda's mind, it honed in on one person. Clint Barton. Hawkeye. The man who had told her once she stepped out from her cover to fight robots, she was an Avenger. Now, he'd stooped to the level of taking Helena.

Damn it.

"Was there anyone else with him?" Wanda pressed.

"Aside from who you're looking for, nope, not that I saw." The cashier furrowed their brows. "Is something the matter?"

You should've called the cops for attempted kidnapping. You should've seen something wasn't right and acted immediately. Instead, the Avengers have Helena. "No, um, I just...I was trying to get a hold of her to tell her what I wanted, but she didn't get back to me."

"Should I call the police?"

"No, no, I think I might know who she left with, and where she's going. Thanks for your help." Wanda headed for the exit of the bakery.

"I hope everything's all right."

Helena's "scent" remained strong, up until it stopped at a spot near the curb. Wanda stood just on its edge. If Clint Barton took Helena, then he had help. Natasha Romanoff had to be his accomplice, they always worked as a duo.

A wicked smile crossed the witch's lips.

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