09 - Origin

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Despite what she disagreed with Wanda on, Helena was thankful for the witch

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Despite what she disagreed with Wanda on, Helena was thankful for the witch. Helena was given an opportunity she'd never had before. She could open up about her experience with her power, though somber it was.

The two had run out, grabbing takeout. They'd retreated back to their room, spreading the food out all along the floor instead of the bed, being courteous to the cleaning staff. Helena felt better with food in her system.

"I felt different when I was a teenager," Helena started randomly through their food. "I couldn't explain what it was, my power hadn't really shown itself. I'd told my parents about what I was feeling. Mom was...closed-minded. Anything mythical, she disputed. Dad was more accepting and concerned about me. Mom shut down my talk that something felt different about me."

"What did she think it was?"

"Oh, she wrote it off as puberty. She refuted the idea of her daughter with powers. Oh, yeah, she was one of those people." Helena sniffed, picking at the last bits of her dinner. "One day, I'd heard her and Dad in a huge argument. I'd eavesdropped a bit, and I couldn't stop myself when I heard my name mentioned. It turned out that my mother wanted me shipped away to the asylum, because all the talk of possibly having powers scared her."

"So, your parents aren't...?"

"They're human. My siblings are, too. I got the lucky gene." Helena sighed. "My older brother was moved out at that point, I think my sister was away at a friend's or something when this happened. Mom and I got into a shouting match, and I felt something...grow inside of me. It was different than being normally angry.

"Things started to get a little physical. When Mom grabbed me, Dad tried to get her off me. I screamed at my mother, and then I felt it explode out of me. It was like smacking into an invisible wall." Helena swallowed. "Mom lasted minutes since she'd had contact with my skin when it happened."

Helena's head throbbed with the memory. Black veins had crawled on both her parents' skin. Her mother had thrown up blood, eventually drowning in it. Her dad had watched his wife die. Helena remembered panicking.

I-I'm sorry, Dad! I-I swear I didn't mean it!

I-I know, sweetheart. I-I know.

We—we gotta call somebody!

And Helena had. By the time she'd asked for an ambulance, her dad had succumbed to his exposure from her power. Frightened and alone, Helena had fled the house. She'd gone to the one place she knew she could be: Rhett's house.

"You never went back?" asked Wanda.

Helena chuckled apathetically. "Why would I return to the crime scene? I already knew what had happened when my brother had called me and told me what happened. I went to their funerals, it was the most painful thing ever. Everyone around us gave condolences, yet they didn't know they were consoling the murderer."

Fractured {Wanda Maximoff}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang