13 - In Search of Breakfast

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Despite not wishing for the ability, Helena just wanted one peek into Wanda's mind, because she knew something was up with the witch

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Despite not wishing for the ability, Helena just wanted one peek into Wanda's mind, because she knew something was up with the witch.

Through their night of cuddles, kisses, food, and crap hotel TV, Helena sensed something was off. Like Wanda's mind was elsewhere instead of the present with her. She hoped she didn't cause Wanda to be like this. She hadn't wanted to argue with her over killing Vision yesterday.

Helena remained the only one awake in the bed; Wanda was passed out. Helena ran her fingers through Wanda's brunette locks. Her mind spun. She just wanted to understand what Wanda was feeling, what she was thinking.

Wanda made her forget she was a danger to society. It was insulting for Vision to have said that Wanda was the danger. He must not have known what I could do, then. The Avengers don't have me on their radar. Well, not for her power.

What Wanda had said yesterday was probably right: the Avengers had to be watching them. How else would Vision have known to find them, let alone snatch Helena to "save" her from Wanda?

She was angry at the Avengers for believing that Wanda was a danger to other people. She'd lost her brother. She went through something traumatic. Things like that took serious tolls on peoples' health, physical and mental. Helena could relate to losing people close to her, just...she had been the reason why she had lost said people.

Helena didn't want to believe Wanda was losing her mind, even a little bit.

I should surprise her. I should get breakfast in bed for her. That might cheer her up.

Decision made, Helena rose out of bed, showered quickly, and left—but not before kissing Wanda on the forehead. The witch remained out cold under the sheets.

The air was muggy from the storm last night, which did not feel great to Helena. We should've used her powers to go shopping; I haven't changed clothes since she found me. It was then she realized how homeless she truly sounded. Or maybe poor was a better answer, as she wasn't quite homeless.

She didn't want to proclaim Wanda as her home, but she did feel a sense of safety with the witch by her side. Like she wasn't truly alone anymore in this world.

Helena kept her head on a swivel, looking for any bakery that looked appealing. She had no idea how on earth she was going to snatch breakfast without being a thief about it; she had no money to even pay a penny.

I might just have to pickpocket someone. Wow, I'm slowly turning into a criminal. Does it start at snatching wallets? Helena swallowed. Just when she was accepting her powers were only dangerous if she kept herself in control. Now she had a new worry: stealing.

But it's for survival. It's to live. It's to make her happy. Helena knew Wanda would feel the same...or at least she thought so. Again, being able to read minds would come handy.

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