PART I -- Kitty

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"Until next month, baby," said Mr. John Washington as he kissed Kitty on her cherry red lips--the juiciest lips he ever tasted. This particular spending was the one that Mr. Washington never regret making.

"Don't forget my allowance, daddy. I've got leotards and tutus to buy tomorrow," said Kitty with the sweetest tone that she knew for sure will make men grant any of her wishes.

Kitty looked at Mr. John Washington as he left with his Ferrari straight to the airport, or so he said. Truthfully, Kitty didn't care at all about that man. He was just a bald man with thick wallet and abundant assets. He was an American and he was also Kitty's sugar daddy. Her sole job was to satisfy him whenever he's in town and his job was to give her allowance every month. It's a win-win situation.

After Mr. John Washington left, Kitty went back inside and started packing up her designer gym bag--courtesy of the sugar daddy--and head straight to the Royal Opera House where her Ballet company is base.

It never ceased to amazed Kitty how magnificent the sight of the Royal Opera house; everyday felt like a new experience, like she has step on to another dimension where the sky is gold and the grass is royal red and the people move so elegantly to the sound of music. And to think that view years ago she almost has her dream crushed by some petty financial problem.

Penelope James, that was her real name but people so gotten used to call her Kitty, Penelope James now was just a name written on ID card and driver's license.

Kitty's mother was a middle school teacher and the father was a security in an office tower in central London.

Kitty has been doing ballet since she was 4 years old. Started out as mere activity then developed to be a passion. In her parents struggle with money, they still tried to make do with Kitty's passion for ballet. Scrapped here and there to pay for the ballet course, the leotards, the tutus, and eventually the pointe shoes. Although for Kitty the first time she got to put on a pointe shoes was a proud time--she felt like she was being crown as the Queen, but for her parents it was the time where the list got longer and the money got even more scarce.

The tragedy happened when Kitty's father was diagnosed with bone cancer and after a year of medication, he passed away. Even though her father passed away didn't mean that Kitty's mother would let her baby girl give up on her dream to become a ballerina. She worked hard herself to pay for Kitty's ballet lesson that was until she was diagnosed with ovary cancer 3 years later and passed away 6 months after the diagnosed leaving Kitty, a high school graduate--ready to apply to the Royal Ballet School--with a crush dream and no money for herself.

Kitty got no other relatives, no one to turn to and certainly no one to give her any advice, especially at the time when she hastily sold her parents' home to pay for the Royal Ballet School tuition and a VW Golf 1.9 GT, a car that later she called home. One thing that her parents had taught her was that never to give up on your dream and Kitty wasn't about to give up on attending the Royal Ballet School, the only school that matters.

For view months Kitty lived in her car, sleeping among her boxes of clothes, ballet stuffs and her only pillow that comfort her at night. It was the worst life and she hated every second of it. She always hated being poor even though she never showed it to her parents.

After view months of aching bones, a restless sleep and a constant hunger, a desperate Kitty finally found employment at the Horns, a gentleman club. By that it simply means a stripper. And she was soon become the most favorite dancer as she was so flexible, so sexy and more important, she was extremely beautiful.

Kitty has the perfect arrangement with the Horns, she would dance at night and attended school in the morning. No one knows that Kitty was a ballerina and she intended to keep it that way. No one need to know that a student of The Royal Ballet School is a stripper, it would totally ruin her prospect and quite possibly will got her expelled.

"It must be hard for you, mustn't it?" said the perky, big breasted Brittania Sugarplum. A curvy dancer who danced in the pool next to Kitty's.

They were in a dressing room, taking off glitters of their skin and washing up heavy makeup from their faces. In a minute Alejandro would came with envelope for each dancer, it was their payment for tonight.

"What?" asked Kitty not quite sure she understood what Brittania was saying.

"To pay for the ballet. I know you dance ballet. It must be so hard to come up with the money, ballet is terribly expensive, isn't it?"

"How do you know? Did anyone else know?" by now Kitty was nervous, scared that her cover would be discovered.

"No! Relax, girl! I'm the only one. I accidentally looked at your gym bag yesterday and saw your ballet shoes. No wonder you're a good dancer, you do ballet!" the perky dancer giggled and then continued. "Listen, I know you didn't make much from the club. I got a way for you to make money. So listen, I have a sugar service and you're welcome to join if you want. I can tell that you'd be a hit because you're incredibly beautiful,"

"Sugar service?"

"Yes, it called Sugarplum like my name. It's a sugar baby-sugar daddy kind of things, you know? You set your monthly allowance and the right sugar daddy pay for it but in turns you have to serve them, if you know what I mean,"

"Like a prostitute?"

"God, no! Well, kind of but this thing is more like a no string attach relationship. It's hard to explain, bottom line is, you got monthly allowance, you serve the guy, and the relationship could last for months if the guy keep paying your allowance. It's like being in a relationship but with more money and sex and less drama,"

"That's sounds interesting and I could use some extra cash,"

That was the end of Kitty's stripping and the beginning of her adventure in Sugar Service and for the last 2 years it has funded Kitty's tuition, ballet expenses and a luxury apartment in the heart of London.

The sugar daddies varies from lonely old billionaire to young millionaire--all admired Kitty and said she is the one spending that they never regret making. But as she graduated school and got internship at The Royal Ballet, her dancing schedule got more hectic which means she has to cut back on her sugar daddy and have only one and so Mr. John Washington was the lucky one who supplied her with £10,000 monthly allowance and an apartment in St. Luke Road, Noting Hill.

He was the best arrangement, since Mr. Washington lived in America and only came to London once every month that gives Kitty time to focus and practice for long hours.

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