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Naomi looks in the fridge. There were leftovers from dinner, or - ooh! Whipped cream! Naomi takes the lid off of the tube and squirts some whipped cream in her mouth.

Naomi then feels a pair of arms wrap themselves around her.

Naomi giggles and puts the whipped cream away. She swallows and shuts the fridge.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Naomi asks.

"Nope. I've been up all night."

Naomi's eyes widen. She starts to scream, but gets cut off by a hand going over her mouth.

"Make one sound and your so-called 'husband' is gonna be sleeping with the fishes, got it?"

Naomi nods.

"Let's talk outside."

Naomi feels something pressed against the back of her head. A gun. Ian slowly removes his hand from Naomi's mouth. Ian was one of Tony's good friends, and Naomi unfortunately knew him all too well.

Ian pushes Naomi to the door. He opens it, and they walk outside.

"Tony is not very happy you lied to him." Ian says.

"What are you talking about?"

"We figured it out, Naomi! You're busted! You're done! We all know you and Mister Mascara in there aren't what you said you were. You just said all that shit so that you could walk away from our little family and get us shut down. Now that, Naomi, is sad. Why would you do that? So you can rat us all out to the public?"

"No! N-No, no, I-I would never - "

"Sure, you wouldn't. You're coming with me so Tony can decide for himself what to do with you. And you may as well kiss your little boyfriend goodbye. He'll be dead by daybreak."

They then hear a click from behind them.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

They turn around. Chris stood there, wearing the black T-shirt that he'd been wearing under the button-up shirt that was now on Naomi, the black skinny jeans from before and a pair of Toms.

Oh, and he was holding a gun.

Naomi's eyes widen, "Chris, what the Hell are you doing?"

"Get your hands off my wife, you bastard."

Ian snorts, "Please. You can stop the act now, Cerulli. We all know your dirty little secret."

"Fine. Get your hands off my girlfriend, you bastard; or so help me, I'll - "

"You'll what? Shoot me? Ha!"

Ian puts the gun to Naomi's temple.

"Make one move and I'll blow her brains out."

"Chris, just go. Run." Naomi begs.

"Face it, Cerulli. You can't win. We are way more powerful than you are and will ever be." Ian says, "You have five seconds to walk away before I shoot her."

Chris and Naomi stare at each other.


"I love you." Chris says to Naomi.

Ian then points the gun to Chris.



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