The Chase

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Not long afterwards, Anna catches up to John and Sherlock in the street and they continue down the road.

"So where are we going." Anna asks.

Sherlock turns to her, "Northumberland Street's a five-minute walk from here."

John looks at Sherlock, "You think the killer stupid enough to go there?"

Sherlock smiles expectantly, "No – I think he's brilliant enough. I love the brilliant ones. They're always so desperate to get caught."

"Why?" John asks.

"Appreciation! Applause! At long last the spotlight." Sherlock explains.

Anna then looks to John, "Technically it's what some killers desires, is to be known to the eyes of the people."

Sherlock looks at her, then back to John, "Exactly".

John looks pointedly at them, "Yeah."

Oblivious to the implication, Sherlock spins around to indicate the entire area as he continues down the road. "This is his hunting ground, right here in the heart of the city. Now that we know his victims were abducted, that changes everything. Because all of his victims disappeared from busy streets, crowded places, but nobody saw them go."

He holds his hands up on either side of his head as if to focus his thoughts. "Think! Who do we trust, even though we don't know them? Who passes unnoticed wherever they go? Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?"

Anna looks around and thinks about it for a second. Who does she trust whenever she's out? What stranger could she trust when she's out with her son?

She looks around and sees restaurants, shops, and markets. We trust barista, waiters, and fellow colleagues.

John shakes his head and turns to Sherlock, "Dunno. Who?"

Sherlock shrugged, "Haven't the faintest. Hungry?" Sherlock walks across the street to a restaurant.

John and Anna look at each other, "Of course he's thinking of food at a time like this." Anna says sarcastically. John smiles at the comment, then they followed behind him.


The waiter near the door clearly knew Sherlock and gestures to a reserved table at the front window.

"Thank you, Billy."

They all took off their coats, and sit down on the bench seat at the side of the table and immediately turns sideways so that he can see clearly out of the window.

As Billy takes the 'Reserved' sign off the table, John sits down on the other bench seat with his back to the window and Anna sat herself down next to Sherlock.

Sherlock nods to a building over the road, "Twenty-two Northumberland Street. Keep your eyes on it."

"He isn't just gonna ring the doorbell, though, is he? He'd need to be mad." said John.

"Maybe, but then again he did kill four people." Anna pointed out.

The manager and/or owner of the restaurant comes over, clearly pleased to see Sherlock, he shakes his, "Sherlock, anything on the menu, whatever you want, free." He lays a couple of menus on the table. "On the house, for you, your friend and your girlfriend."

Anna looks up in shock, while Sherlock looks John and Anna, "Do you want to eat?"

"I'm not his girlfriend." Anna says to the man.

"Ya, I'm starving actually." John says to Sherlock.

The man then looks at Anna and says to her, "This man got me off a murder charge, you'll not find a nicer man than him."

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