When in London

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..Gun shots..



"Run!!" said a mans voice.



Anna jolts out of the her seat from the back of the Taxi. She breaths heavily as if she just came back from the dead.

"Are you alright ma'am?" said the cab driver. She looks up, still breathing heavily then nods in response.

"Well we're here, Scotland Yard." Anna looks out to sees the front entrance of Scotland Yard.

"Thank you." she said to the cab driver and handed him the money.


She starts up at the entrance and takes deep breaths. She the makes her way towards the lobby and waits for someone in particular.

She sat herself down on one of the lobby chairs and took out her phone. She then saw a text from her little sister Charlotte.

Hope you have a great day. Text me if you need someone to talk to. :)

Anna sighs and puts her phone back into her pocket.

"Annabel Baymore?" says a voice behind her. Anna turns to see Greg Lestrade walking towards her.

Anna smiles and gets up to greet her old friend. "Greg it's good to see you."

Greg comes up and gives Anna a big hug. "It's so good to see you. I'm so glad that you were able to come and participate in this job."

Anna then looks at Lestrade, then looks down in disappointment and says, "I still cannot believe that you want me to be one of your detectives after, you know."

Greg puts his hands on her shoulders, "Your one that I can trust to be part of my department. Plus I need more help than ever."

Anna looks curious towards Greg as he began to walk away. "What do you mean?"

"We had a few suicidal cases that resulted in them being in places they had no place of being and them taking a similar poison." Greg informs her.

Anna looks at him, "Those don't sound like suicides."

"Exactly, which is why I need help on this one." Greg says continuing walking towards the offices.


The two make their way to the office, where their was a few people at work. They soon reached Greg's office, Anna then sniffs, "I'm impressed, I don't smell cigarettes anywhere, I'm guessing you quit."

He then went into one of his drawers and gets a hands her a badge. "Do you still have that Harvard and Yale brain."

Anna looks Greg with more serious eyes, then grabs the badge. "I never left them."

Greg smiles, then Sargent Donovan comes into the office. "Inspector, we're ready for the..."

She then sees Anna in the office, then asks, "Who is she?"

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