Who is Sherlock Holmes

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Anna gotten a cab and it took her all the way down to Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. The building was huge and looked as though to be almost a mansion.

She made her way to the entrance and the building looked scarcely empty. She second thought about meeting this Sherlock Holmes at a morgue.

She walks down a empty hallway, where she only saw pale white walls. When she turned a corner, and opens a door to an observation room.

A girl screams in terror and Anna flinches, not expecting the scream. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

The girl catches her breath and finally says, "No your quite alright, you just surprised me." The girl observed Anna for a bit then states, "You don't work around here, so I'm guessing that your visiting."

Anna smiles, "Actually I'm here to see a Sherlock Holmes. He sent me the address to this place to meet him."

Molly looks at her a little shocked, then says "Oh, of course."

"You wouldn't happen to know where he's at, do you?" she asks.

The girl makes a face then looks through a window into the morgue. Anna look through the window and sees a man whipping a dead body with a riding crop.

"OH DEAR LORD!" Anna shouts in fear not expecting that at all

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"OH DEAR LORD!" Anna shouts in fear not expecting that at all.

The girl then smiles at Anna and says, "I'm Molly Hooper by the way."

Molly then reaches out her hand to shake Anna's hand. Anna still locked on what was happening right now, let's out her hand and shakes Molly's.

"Anna Baymore." She said blanked face.

The two girls continue watching Sherlock whipping the body.

Molly then asks, "So how do you know Sherlock Holmes."

"Oh, I've never met him before." she responds.

Molly nods and then continues watching Sherlock. She continues flinching while Sherlock flogs the body repeatedly and violently with a riding crop, but her face is also full of admiration.

As soon as he stops, Molly turns to Anna and says, "Well, here's your chance."

Anna looks at her as she walks out of the observation room and into the morgue. She then starts to look at Sherlock, what kind of a man was he.

Anna then watches Molly and Sherlock having a quick conversation until he walks out of the morgue and looks directly at Anna.

"Oh, is you." he starts.

"I'm sorry?" she asks hesitantly.

"I saw you on the Telly, Lestrade kept on looking at you like he knew you. Plus, I've never saw you in his department so it's obvious that you are new." He says looking up and down at her.

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