The Pink Suitcase

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As soon as the concert is over Anna and Charlotte went backstage to see Eugene. Eugene runs over to Anna and hugs her very tightly. "You came I knew you come."

"Are you kidding I would never miss your concert not even if I got called over to work a million times." Anna says.

Eugene kept on hugging her so tight and I felt like she couldn't breathe. As he released her she leans down and says, "How about tomorrow we celebrate by getting ice cream after lunch."

"Why can't we get ice cream tonight?" He asks.

"Well, Eugene it's getting a little late and I have some important things to do tonight. Like getting our flat ready." Anna day with a surprise smile on her face.

Eugene had an excited look on his face, "You finally got a place for us."

"Yep, that way we're not living with Auntie Charlotte all the time."

Charlotte looks at her pretending to be insulted, "Hey I'll have you know I'm a joy to be around."

Anna looks to her, "Right, joy" she says sarcastically.

Anna put her arm around Eugene as they walk their way out of the backstage.


As the three made their way outside of the concert hall, Anna and Charlotte could see an older man standing in front of a limousine across the street watching them.

"Oh dear god, what is he doing here?" Charlotte says

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"Oh dear god, what is he doing here?" Charlotte says.

" I don't know

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" I don't know. Take Eugene to the car and go straight to your house." Anna says very sternly.

"Mom what's going on?" Eugene asks with a very scared voice.

Anna looks with Eugene with gentle eyes as if he had nothing to be afraid of, "Nothing honey, just some unfinished business mom needs to take care of."


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