Chapter 5 - Part 2

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The lairds had been about to disperse when Edward broke into the room. "An attempt has been made on Lady Isabel's life. Her garments indicate three stab wounds and both of her hands have defensive injuries." The men stood simultaneously.

"Take me to her," Alysandir ordered. "Why were you not at her side as I ordered you? Every wound she has will be inflicted upon you, Edward. Who was it that has done this? The MacPhail? It will be war if it was. Have you secured the attacker? Have you sent for a surgeon? Has Isabel said anything?"

"Aye. She said she would never hurt a guest." He wanted Alysandir to rage against the attacker before he learned it was Emma. He did not want his affection for the murderess to blind true justice.

The lairds were following Alysandir until he came to his wife's chambers. They waited in the corridor expecting to hear his deep groan of sorrow. Thom MacPherson had to be restrained from entering.

"Death to the one who lays a hand on Lady Isabel!" he dictated.

The lairds were in agreement. Edward watched Laird Gow closely. He was nodding in agreement, but looked nervously for clues as to who had injured Lady Isabel.

"Be it a slow and painful death at that," Thom continued.

Edward took pity on Laird MacPherson and spoke into his ear. "Lady Isabel is fine. She toyed with her attacker before she subdued that one. Restrain your laugh or justice will not be done. This touches Alysandir to the core."

A smile tickled the grizzled face of Thom MacPherson before he settled back into his angry expression. "Lady Isabel can fight?" he spoke softly in return.

"You must ask her yourself, laird."

Dylan stood by Edward and held his tongue though he wanted to tell at least the half of what he had witnessed in her training sessions. "Send them to the hall, Edward. Alysandir will be in a rage when he comes out. Does he know yet that it was Emma?"

"No. When they are all gathered, I will lead her out before them."

Dylan whistled softly. "Do you think that is wise?"

"I think that is fair."

"You don't believe he will do right by his wife?"

"I believe this could test a man to his limits," he whispered. "All of my lords to the hall," he urged loudly. Dylan disappeared for a few moments and Edward wondered what he was up to.

The entire castle seemed to be awakened now. Below gathered the lairds and their wives and their servants as well as the other guests who were on hand that evening. All were gossiping about what had transpired. Lady Isabel has died, some said. No, she killed her attacker. They have both died. The attacker killed a soldier who guarded Lady Isabel. Thom MacPherson and his little wife stood at the back of the hall and listened to the rumors as they ignited and spread. Dylan came to Thom's side and caught his attention.

"She is coming down." It was all he needed to say before he made his way to the front of the room.

Edward was being chastised by Alysandir for not protecting his wife better. "Produce the villain now, Edward! You have not allowed him to escape, have you?"

"No, my lord. Shall I bring the attacker before you in the hall, or do you wish to see this done in private?"

"Let us all see who dares injure my wife. They must learn what happens to such ones."

"As you see fit, my lord."

Alysandir took his seat in front of them all and waited for Edward to bring out his prisoner. Anger was boiling inside of him imagining how Isabel must have been so frightened and how much pain she would be in from the bruises the stabbing would leave, even beneath the hauberk. Did she struggle? Did she cry out for him? She had told him that she felt it in her bones that night. His hand stayed on the hilt of his sword. He would cut down the fool who dared come near his Isabel. He would cut him in two and leave the body for the birds to pick at.

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