Chapter 27: Starting off kinda shit

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3:41am. A dark figure stood in the corner of the dorm, looking down upon their beds. Out of the gap in the curtains, Harry could see it's eyes stare with an empty longing for murder. It's red eyes stared into Harry's bright green iris'. It's hand reached out towards him, Harry couldn't move. His mind screamed for him to run but his limbs would not comply. His eyes were open and tears were streaming down the sides of his face, falling onto his ears then into the tangled mess of his hair. His legs were buried under the covers of his duvet, but his arms were bare. One lay under his head and the other laid palm up on the left side on his bed.

3:47am. The figure started stumbling towards him at a frighteningly slow pace, despite the fear coursing through his veins and arteries, Harry couldn't move a muscle.

3:48am. Suddenly his finger twitched, and the figure growled menacingly as it backed away into the shadows. The world went black. Colours were blurry, sounds were muffled, touches were painful like needles, smells were enhanced, the tastes that sat upon his tongue were dry. All reminding him of how he woke up in St. Mungos. Minus the sweat that drenched his forehead and pillow. Every touch around him made his skin tingle and every noise that came from the lake dwelling creatures due to being in the dungeons made Harry's ears bleed. Although, the fact of knowing he wasn't the only trapped creature made him calm slightly.

Thank god the silence charms had held up. Harry's breathing was enough to wake up the whole school, he was pretty sure he was about to pass out from how hard he was breathing. But of course this was normal to wake up like this due to his Nightmare Disorder and sleep paralysis. 

It didn't take much thinking to know that the dark figure was to represent Vernon, I mean who else could it be. Voldemort had a different glow to his eyes when he had sleep paralysis and nightmares. Most of the death eaters he had previously feared had no longer become a threat to Harry's mental stability, in fact; he related to them in some ways.

Vernon's eyes were so well carved into his brain that he could never forget the look of insanity that throbbed in his pupils each day. Like a star exploding from afar, happening all the time but not always noticeable until you really focus on it. 

3:53am. The feeling of unconsciousness quickly took over his mind as he thought too deeply into a distant reality.


6:14am. Harry's mind wakes him up in a rushed blur, the memories of his nightmare seep into the sides of his vision. Quick and flashing images of blood and glass on the floor blind Harry's view on reality. Sounds of screaming and shouting deafen him, leaving a continuous ringing in his ears, the sound again, making his ears bleed. This was normal of course, but with other people in close proximity made the nerves in his body spike up to unhealthy levels.

6:24am. Breathing was calm and even, sounds were dull and soft, sight was slightly blurry from him not having his glasses on. Speaking of which, he reached to pull the curtains then grabbed his glasses whilst sighing. Oh how he wished to let his glamour free and be free of his glasses, contacts were always an option but he never had time. He'll just have to bite down the urge to snap his own neck and carry on with his days.

6:35am. Harry had returned from the showers, boxers on and his shirt unbuttoned, showing his scarred chest. He had forgotten his trousers in his trunk so he had to suffer with cold legs for a while. Draco was up and sitting on the edge of his bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Alright Hades?" He asked sleepily. Harry nodded and fell back onto his bed, relishing the feeling of soft duvet against his bare skin. 

Draco chuckled and headed for the showers as the other boys began to wake.


8:11am. Most students were still half asleep but that was common for the first day of the school year. Although, the Slytherins kept up their reputation as the cold and emotionless house, even Harry. They all had empty and cold expressions, talking between each other about lessons and how they didn't actually sleep at all that night.

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