Chapter 8: Controlled

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A day full of pain again went by for Harry, he tried to dodge all of their smacks and punches, but because of last night his actions seemed to be a lot lazier and sluggish. Usually he would avoid getting hit by Petunia but he registered every attack too late. You could see the panic in his eyes, and immediately afterwards, his eyes would lose focus then snap wide open as if he just realised he was in the room.

The Dursley's had noticed Harry's behaviour and ended up with the conclusion that he had given up and was finally slipping into total submission, which, in reality, was bound to happen soon. Harry just hoped that he would be dead or have escaped by the time he would be brain dead enough to cause even more life threatening situations to occur. 

Petunia had taken over washing up while Harry was scrubbing the kitchen floor, trying his best not to get in Petunia's way, but secretly hoping that she would slip and crack her skull open on the edge of the counter.

Normally, she would criticise Harry's cooking while she washed up, but this time was different, once she had finished washing a strong pan, plate or piece of cutlery, she would hit it over Harry's head while he was scrubbing the floor. Then she would hit him on the back of the neck with the side of her hand while scolding him for getting the cutlery, dishes and pans dirty again, then going back to washing while muttering sentences like "Ungrateful freak", "Dirty faggot" and "Waste of fucking space", under her breath but loud enough for Harry to hear.

Harry had almost gotten a concussion and had several cuts and bruises on his head.

Luckily, Vernon had gone to meet up with a few work friends at a pub, but that meant he would have to be home from Gringotts before the obese shit noticed he was gone. He was safe from Vernon for now.

Dudley had his friends Piers, Dennis, Gordon and Malcolm round that day. They were all in Dudley's room playing 'Chrono Trigger'. It was a decently new game released in March, and of course Harry wasn't aloud to even look at it, didn't stop him though. 

Piers was an average height with short, brown, spiked hair, green eyes and had a sour look to his face constantly. Dennis was a lanky, tall teenager, his short brown hair was straight and swept to the left side of his face and his eyes were dark brown. Gordon was a hefty average height teenager, he had bright blond hair that almost went to his shoulders and had bright blue eyes. Malcolm was tall and hefty with brown hair that went everywhere, but was covered with a grey and blue hat

It was a clear, warm day and apparently that seemed like enough to have a few rounds of Harry hunt at the park. Luckily Harry had gotten faster over the years, but apparently so had Dennis and Gordon. They had jumped onto him, most likely breaking a rib or two and soon enough Dudley, Piers and Malcolm had caught up and started kicking him. 

It lasted for about 10 minutes before they got bored, Dudley had gotten Gordon to pick him up since he was a bit stronger than Dudley's other lackeys. They threw him onto the edge of the wooden post fence, his stomach had been pierced by the splinters and he was bleeding slightly but not majorly. They kicked his legs and he flipped onto the other side of the fence, his head against the wood, knowing this Piers had kicked the fence right where Harry's head had been laying. Tears had begun to gather in his eyes but none had been noticed luckily. Quickly, all 5 boys jumped over the other side of the fence and Dudley had started kicking Harry side but stopped once he heard a loud crack. 4 ribs had cracked and one had nearly broken off completely. It was laying against his lung but not piercing  it completely.

A loud yelp out of Harry's mouth made the other boys' anger turn into confusion but quickly morph into panic as they saw the blood seeping out of his nose and mouth. Dudley's 4 lackeys began feeling as if they went too far but Dudley had no such feeling for the pathetic lump of cracked bones and scarred skin in front of him. "C'mon guys! It can take a little more! The bastard deserves it, remember?!" Dudley shouted turning to his friends who looked as if they had just gotten snapped out of a bad dream. "What's wrong? You act as if you've never seen this shit before!"

Piers looked at his livid best friend "Uh... it could be the heat... but I feel like we shouldn't be doing this."

"Yeah, I feel the same. Umm what was the reason we were beating him up again?" Malcolm spoke up, clear confusion in his voice.

"It's a fuckin useless piece of shit who we've hated since we were little! Are you fucking stupid? You're actually knobheads!" Dudley retorted.

"Okay, mate. I don't think we're the knobheads here. You are. You've been beating up your fucking cousin for years and somehow you've bloody brainwashed us along with you. I don't know how you've been fucking doing this but your an actual dickhead. Sort yourself out mate!" Dennis shouted, he was a lanky 15 year old and he probably couldn't beat you on a one on one fight, but he could damn well use his words. And for some reason, that affected Dudley even more.

They all walked past Dudley and kneeled down next to Harry, "You alright mate? Can you hear us?" Piers said softly. Harry nodded in response. Clearly hearing either his shout or his bone breaking had snapped them out of some kind of mind control, the Imperius curse by Dumblefuck most likely.

Harry lifted himself up on his elbows then fully sitting up against the fence, ignoring the pain of something like a fractured wrist and a few breaks in his shoulders, arms and torso in general.

"Sorry about all that... it may sound fucking stupid but we had no idea why we were doing that to you or what we were doing. Again we are all really sorry" Malcolm said apologetically, the others nodding in agreement, a look of concern in their eyes.

"It's fine. I believe you, I've been through worse." He responded breathily. He could feel his ribs poking his lung, breathing was starting to get uncomfortable but more bearable.

"Seriously, are you good though? You've got some pretty nasty wounds" Dennis asked his right hand gently resting on Harry's right ankle.

Wait. Why could he not feel his hand? "Wait, Dennis, is it?" He asked quickly. Dennis nodded politely, looking up into Harry's bright green eyes. "Can you just pinch my ankle where your hand is please?" Dennis and the others looked up at him confused and worried, still Dennis did as asked. 

He couldn't feel it. Harry's eyes widened, the others caught sight of this."What's wrong?" Gordon asked worriedly.

"I-I can't-I can't feel my fucking leg... I can't move it" Harry stammered out, the four former bullies' faces going from worried to panicked. Even Dudley, who had been leaning against a nearby tree, looked up with a concerned face. Not too concerned though, just if Harry got taken to the hospital and Dudley was blamed for the incident, ending in maybe juvy and his parents jail for the abuse.

"Oh my... fucking god, is it all of your leg? What about your other leg?" Piers asked as he bit his cheeks and gently prodded Harry's ankle.

Harry hissed and Piers retracted his hand apologising, Harry waved it off. "Maybe it's shock, it doesn't look out of place. If not then I think nerve damage." Harry analysed quietly.

"Let's hope it is, do you want us to help you stand?" Gordon questioned softly, not wanting to rush Harry or ruin the relationship they had possibly made.

"Y-Yeah, yeah I can try. Let me try moving the other one." Harry's foot moved around stiffly, then his leg moved and the group let out a synced sigh of relief. "Okay, It's fine. Fuck. It's gonna be hard getting back." He said as his head fell back against the fence. As he looked up his vision locked onto some splinters on the fence and he again got the thought of killing himself. A piece of wood piercing through his torso as a broken plank laid exactly where he was going to land after getting pushed or losing balance.

"Alright kid, let's get you up" Malcolm offered his hand to Harry, reminding him of a certain blond back in first year, pain in the arse, but he meant well.

Harry took it and Malcolm lifted him up from his arm and Gordon lifting his back up, Dennis and Piers at his sides. "It's only 3:48 in the afternoon, we don't have to rush" Piers added looking at his watch.

So much had happened that Harry had forgotten to keep track of time, immediately Harry's mind began working full force and he was getting overwhelmed with everything. They slowly walked to a nearby bench, well, Harry limped over.

"Good news, I think the feeling in  my leg is coming back-" everyone let out a breath of relief once again "-bad news though. It hurts like a fucking bitch" Harry chuckled. The others seemed to tense slightly but a smile remained on their faces.

Who would've thought the day would go like this. Fucking no one hopefully. Otherwise they would be in trouble. 

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