Chapter 15: Knockturn Alley

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Harry was heading towards a shop that had a wooden porch and no sign, yet his mind was telling him it was a clothes shop. How he had done that was surprising, but too many surprising things had happened this week. Speaking of which, he quickly put a wandless glamour on himself, his hair, size, eyes and ears staying the same, but everything that was considered 'abnormal' like his horns, wings and markings, was covered by his magic. There was no point in putting a glamour on his stitches anyway, his clothes covered it.

Heading into the shop and fumbled about with the bag of galleons in his jacket pocket. The shopkeeper only looked up quickly then returned to her book, not even noticing the strange features on him.

Harry headed over to the clothes and picked out a pair of black jeans, a black T-shirt, a black leather jacket, black fingerless gloves and black ankle boots, both made out of dragonhide. He went up to the counter and payed about 65 galleons. Then once bought, he went over to the changing rooms and shrunk his baggy and slightly worn clothes and put them in his back pocket.

He next headed over to the wand shop he was guessing, but not before running into three certain people. The Malfoys.

Harry had no grudge against the Malfoys, in fact he actually quite liked them, they didn't treat him like a prince. To them he was just a normal boy who wasn't liked by everyone. Harry looked up and locked eyes with the youngest Malfoy. Lucius and Narcissa looked at him as well and they stopped in front of each other. 

The Malfoys saw mismatched eyes, an uneven pale skin tone because of the blood and burns, a bruised jaw, cuts and bruises and a pained soul. 

Lucius was the first to speak, "Potter, what a surprise to see you here..." Harry just nodded at him, keeping direct eye contact with each person that talked to him. Narcissa was next.

"We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot and wanted to apologise for our past actions." She wanted to say more but her words were stumbling as she looked over the boy in front of her.

Harry's eyes snapped up to Narcissa's in shock. "You want to... apologise?"

Draco looked at Harry dead in the pitch black pupils, in between blue and green iris'. "We have treated you horribly for the past years with no actual reason behind it and we... are ashamed of our actions and how they might've affected you" Harry smiled softly and put his hand up just as Lucius was about to apologise.

"I don't care about all that. You can have your own opinions, and yes I forgive you." Narcissa smiled and approached Harry, kneeling in front of him. Harry flinched, hard, which made Narcissa worry slightly. 

"Thank you so much, we'll do anything to make up for everything" She said, taking Harry's trembling hands and rubbing her thumb against the back of his hand. Although Harry pulled back his left hand when a shock of pain struck through Harry's whole hand and wrist. Draco, Lucius and Narcissa looked at the pained boy standing in front of them, he was holding his wrist with his eyes gleaming with unshed tears and a scrunched up face. As much as he tried, he just couldn't hold in any pain, and let it show clearly through his face. "What's wrong" Narcissa softly asked. Harry just shook his head.

Lucius pulled his wife up and asked, "If you are doing some late evening shopping, we could accompany you, these streets do get a bit sketchy sometimes" Harry let go of his hand and smiled slightly and nodded, a embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Yeah, thanks. I was just heading to get a new wand, my wand has been acting up ever since my inh- um since something happened to it..." 

'Smooth. Just real fucking smooth, you idiot you can't even speak correctly' Harry thought. 

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