Chapter 30: Spy

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Herbology was the most uncomfortable lesson so far. To keep up an outcast look, he had to sit alone and nobody even looked at him, besides for two former Gryffindors. Hermione and Ron had spent all lesson staring at Harry as he worked quietly, they even came up to him halfway through the lesson. Ostium hissed quietly from Harry's shoulder, quietening down as both of them approached Harry.

"How is it in Slytherin Harry? Are they treating you okay?" Ron asked, faking concern despite the lack of effort in his tone. Harry just pointed to the faint purple mark on his jaw where a bruise was starting to form from the duel. "Oh, bad luck mate. They are a bunch of slimy gits they are! Thinking they're better than everyone!"

'We're better than you at least' Harry thought, a scowl on his face and directed at a random Slytherin to keep up his disguise.

"Who are you sharing a dorm with Harry?" Hermione asked as if she needed to know everything that went on in there. Next thing you know, she'll be asking Harry to be her spy. Harry 'angrily' pointed towards Draco (with Venenum sitting unnoticed in his robe hood), Theo and Blaise, who caught the action in the corner of their eye.

They turned towards the trio and smirked and Draco called out "How's that bruise Potter? Hurt your precious and sacred bones?" Blaise and Theo snickered, even a small hiss of amusement from Ostium could be heard.

Hermione and Ron glared and Ron decided to react stupidly, it was lucky enough that professor Sprout hadn't told them off yet. "You calling our Golden Boy fragile? He can take much more than that you git!" Harry just shot a 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' look towards Ron while he wasn't looking.

Hermione hit him on the back of the head with her book and yelled in his ear. "What are you saying that for? They'll just do it more!" She smirked slightly at the end of her sentence. Draco and Harry looked at each other, Harry just shrugged and got back to work, Draco doing the same as Ron and Hermione continued to argue loudly.

Professor Sprout had finally had enough, "Right! 5 points from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff! Granger and Weasley, sit down right this second!" Hermione and Ron simply grumbled under their breaths and walked back to their desks.

Harry hid his smirk with his hand and finished up his work by the end of the lesson. Once everyone had left, Ron and Hermione caught up with Harry and dragged him towards the library. At the back of the large and empty room, Ginny and Luna were talking quietly, although Luna's smile seemed strained as she listened to Ginny complain about her classes.

Harry smiled at both of the girls (mostly Luna) once they saw them enter. He sat in the middle of Luna and Ginny whilst Hermione and Ron sat on the opposite side of the table. "So what have those slimy snakes been doing so far?" Ron asked eagerly. Of course the only reason that they dragged him there was to get inside information. Harry just shook his head, "Nothing? really? Not even a plan to cheat in the next Quidditch match?" Harry shook his head 'disappointingly'. "What about their king and queen? Do you know who they are?" Ron whisper-shouted, Harry felt insulted by them using him as a fucking spy camera. He just shook his head blankly. 

"I'm sure they'll start plotting soon enough!" Hermione said reassuringly, as if she was upset that the Slytherins weren't doing anything to plot against them, she should be glad. After all, Harry was the king.

Ginny gripped Harry's upper arm as if it were a lifeline and laid her head on Harry's shoulder, pulling a childish pouting face. "Don't worry about those slimy snakes Baby! We'll protect you from them!" Harry just smiled at her, internally wanting to slap her in the face and cry himself to sleep because of how disgusting Ginny made him feel.

'Since when were snakes slimy and how the fuck do you intend to protect me when you can't even get into the common room? Divs.' He thought, mentally face palming. Their conversation carried on for another half an hour, well, if conversation means the equivalent of interrogating an Azkaban prisoner on their scarring actions. Eventually Hermione spoke up after finding out all the information she could, which was nothing because, 1, Harry couldn't speak and 2, he definitely wasn't giving away anything useful.

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