Chapter 6: You don't know them as well as you think

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This inheritance is commonly said to have been one of Morgana's inheritances, their wings are thin and see through and they can eventually develop shiny scales on their back if they can manage to handle their magic well enough. 

It is considered to be a 'light' inheritance as it does not appear to be able to do much damage as well as their sacrificial loyalty. Most Hufflepuffs will have a fairy inheritance, but it all depends on the type of fairy they are, you will be able to find out which you have in about a few hours of the appearance of the inheritance. 

The most common type of fairy is a forest fairy, a creature that protects the forests and the animals, creatures and anything that thrives there. The forest will protect the person with the forest inheritance and anyone that the forest deems trustworthy. They will sometimes have the ability to gain beast talk but it is quite rare. Their wings are a see through deep dark green and the inheritance will cause antlers to sprout out of the head and plants will wrap around the legs, arms and wrists.

The water fairy is also common, they protect the water and everything that inhabits it. The sea creatures will be able to communicate using echolocation. If danger is sensed in their area then a signal will go off and they will be able to either go and help or ask for the sea creatures to help. Their wings are a see through dark blue and the inheritance adds gills for breathing underwater and blue sparkles will sparkles on the skin.

The fire fairy is a less common inheritance, as they tend to hand around volcanoes and warm or hot climates, they can also control light, fire and lava. They protect he animals in deserts and animals and creatures that hang around in hot weather or near extinct or active volcanoes. They will get easily cold and could get ill as if they had just caught a cold. Their lips will become a deep red colour and the wings will be a see through red, strands of a vibrant scarlett colour will be added into the hair colour, orange sparkles will cover the back of their hands and their neck.

The wind fairy is not as common as the other three mentioned but can be found from time to time, the wind fairy protects the animals of the sky and can speak to every kind of bird. They can control the wind and once their power is strong and stable enough they will be able to master lifting objects with wind. They are seen as a dark inheritance because they have the powers to make tornados or hurricanes, even though there has not been one record of any wind fairy doing so. The wings of a wind fairy are a see through lavender purple and the inheritance causes the person to gain a more feminine posture and feathers to intertwine into the person's hair or make a crown of feathers if the person is bald. Their nails will also become sharper to represent a bird's talons. If the person has freckles, they will become white.

The final fairy is the darkest, the light fairy. Despite the obvious juxtaposition, the light fairy can make light as well as take away light. Tales of light fairies leading witches and wizards to their deaths by taking away their sources of light in forest or dangerous places have been told, but no sound evidence has ever been given in. Their wings are a see through white or grey and they will cry golden tears and when they fly, the inheritance will make the skin sparkle white or grey. If the magic is handled well enough then they will have the power to tell if a person is lying and make them tell the truth by magically placing a truth spell on the person wordlessly and wandlessly.

And just as one of the descriptions had said, Draco had glimmering grey wings that faded into a bright white at the bottom, and, as said before, he had golden tears staining his cheeks. 

"A fairy inheritance! I was right, I told you!" Narcissa exclaimed childishly and her husband watched with glee as his wife's relaxed face. Never had he seen her this at ease, and despite the dark lord situation that they were facing at the moment, they were all at peace. For now at least.

You see, Lucius Malfoy was raised to believe that Voldemort was the saviour of the world, but Lucius saw what others didn't and knew that their Dark Lord wasn't all he was cracked up to be. He met Narcissa when he was set up in a forced marriage, but thankfully the Blacks and Malfoys shared no bad blood, so Narcissa and Lucius were quite contempt with the marriage. Their interests and opinions clicked together quite often, so getting along was the least of their problems. 

For example, they both thought the separation between the 'dark' and 'light' was complete and utter cockshit. They also didn't want their potential child to be born in a time of war, it could hurt the child mentally and physically. But they did it anyway and luckily Draco didn't have many problems to worry about growing up.

They knew their family was missing something before Draco went to Hogwarts. And when he came home from his first year in an awfully upset mood because Harry James Potter had rejected his offer of friendship, they knew what was missing. A loving and protective family complex. They had all been taught to hate the light side and everything to do with it, causing their exterior appearance to sour and be ruined by the influence of the older generation.

Draco had demanded a place in the Quidditch team before second year started, he got his wish as his parents thought that things might be able to fix itself. They were wrong as again as Draco came home silent and upset and when they had all apparated home, and he told his parents that Harry James Potter, the boy who lived, the chosen one, was a parselmouth. 

The summer after third year he came home again in an upset mood, and unsurprisingly it was because of Harry James Potter. Lucius and Narcissa didn't exactly hate the Potter boy for being light, but they didn't like him either for upsetting their son. But Harry hadn't done anything remotely bad, all he did was have a certain gift for care of magical creatures. That was when they took their time out of the whole summer to teach Draco that his behaviour was unacceptable and he was taught the proper way to act.

During fourth year, Draco had watched Harry's face as he was chosen from the goblet and saw it contort into a shocked and overwhelmed expression. Weasley was glaring at Potter's back and Granger was glaring more subtly at the back of Harry's head. Draco saw what Harry didn't. The trust of his friends depleting if it was even there before. Draco came back looking guilty and again, upset. 

Out of a force of habit, he had made Potter feel shitty by insulting and picking on him again. Draco didn't mean to, it just came out and people were watching so he had to continue otherwise people would start talking. He was upset because he had trustworthy friends while all Potter had was fake and disgusting backstabbing friends who only searched for ways to gain Harry's unlimited fortune.

The Malfoys were going to make this right.

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