Part 3 Talking about kiss

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Bell rang. Kiss was short because of it. We stepped away from each other. I said goodbye and hurried out of the class.

Since it rang, I ran to the Chemistry class before my teacher closes the door. My head was spining, I didn't know whats going on. All I knew is that I must hurry to the classroom. Teacher was just closing the door when I came. I sir onto my chair and started pulling my books out. I was just staring at the board and thinking what the hell just happend. I heard Kiki and Doki calling me, but I didn't pay attention. I managed to concentrate on class.

When bell rang I went out. Soon after Kiki and Doki were by my side. They started asking what wrong and why I am looking like that. They asked me a tons of questions, but I didn't answer them. It's not that I didn't want to answer them, it's just I didn't know to answer myself. I shouted to them to calm down and said to them that I will tell them after school.

School,thank God,passed quickly. Just when I stepped out of school,Kiki and Doki started asking tons of questions. I calmed them down and said to Doki that she can ask first.

"Where were you? What's wrong?" Doris asked me worried.

"Mr.Bale kept me. Nothing's wrong." I answered her.

They know when I lie. Doris asked me again the same question. Again I answered them the same.

"Ok. Now tell us what really happened." They said.

I decided to tell them. They are my morons. They desirve to know.

"...he kissed me." I finished telling them.

I put hands on my face because I become red.

"What?" Kiki shouted.

"He what?" Doki shouted after Kiki.

"And... how was it?" They asked perversely after they calmed down perversely.

I kept quiet.

"Oh,come on. Don't be duck." Doris said.

"Well... it was good." I said still red in face.

"Is he a good kisser?" Kristina asked with perverse smile.

"Yes." I said quietely. "But, it didn't last long because the bell rang and I needed to go."

They just laughed.

"You were very sad because it rang,weren't you? Haha." Doris said smiling.

I just shook my head for no. But for real I wanted it to last longer. God,he knew how to kiss.

"Wait. So is he real Gareth Bale?" Kiki asked me.

"Yes,he is. But it's better if nobody knows. That's why he probably named himself different and changed his looks so nobody knows it's him." I told them.

"You are right. Not a word to anybody." Doris agreed with me.

"I hope that next Geography class it won't be really weird. I hope he won't tell me to stay after class because I don't know what to say to him." I said hoping that that won't happen.

Two days later

"Oooohh. Geography." Doris said picking me.

"Haha,yes" I said looking at her pale.

Whole time at class I was writting at my notebook or looking at the book. Every once in awhile I felt him stare at me. It rang. I was exiting the classroom when I heard.

"Miss,will you stay for a few minutes?" He said calm.

I was watching Kristina and Doris in hope to help me out. But they just quietly said "sorry" and went out with smile on their face. I'm going to kill them. I said to myself. I turned around to face Mr.Bale. He had sad face.

Just a fling,or maybe more?  (Gareth Bale story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now