Part 2 Meeting Mr.Bale

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We were waiting in front of class for our new teacher to come and let us in. What we didn't expect is to see our headmistress opening the door for us to let us in. When we all have sit down,she started explaining to us that we have a new Geo teacher and that he is a little late. While she was telling us stuff about our new teacher,door burst open and our new hot teacher entered. He was the same as they said but much,much hotter. He talked a little to headmistress and when she left he turned to us. His eyes,you can stare at them all day,trust me.

"Hello class. My name is Thomas Bale but you can call me teacher or Mr.Bale. How about we play game where you interduce yourself and say something about you? Ok?" Mr.Bale said looking at us.

When we finished it he said we can ask him something if we want. I was sure all girls liked that idea and trust me I was right. Whole class stared asking questions at the same time.

"Class,calm down. One by one. Ok...You go first." He said pointing to Josipa.

"How old are you?" She asked.

"I'm 23 years old... You." He said pointing to Dora.

"Are you single?" She asked. God she is boring.

"Yes,I am... You." He answered cheeky and pointed to Jana.

"Why are you our new teacher and what were you doing before you got this job?" She asked.

"Before I decided to be teacher I was lawyer. Why I decided to be teacher,I don't really know,but I needed a break from being a lawyer. Next question?" He said.

I don't know why but I had felling like he just made that up. And like that,it went on and on. So I decided to talk a little bit about him.

"Kiki,don't you think it's weird that he has the same surname as Gareth Bale? And he looks a bit like him too." I said to her.

"Yeah,it's weird. But it can't be him,right? Maybe he is his cousin or something like that." She answered looking at him.

We talked little more before he said something.

"Miss,can you turn around?... Thank you. Do you have any questions?" He said looking at me.

"No,Mr.Bale." I answered.

After he turned around I could hear Kiki and Doki laughing behind me. I'm going to kill them.

Class was over so I decided to ask him something.

So when my class left I came closer to his seat.

"Sir,is it just me or someone else told you too,that you look like famous footballer Gareth Bale? And you sir,have his surname." I said to him.

I was leaning on first student desk. He was leaning over teacher desk but looking at other way. When I started talking,he turned around leaning over desk but this time looking my way. I felt like he was staring into my soul. And did I mentioned that students and teachers desk had little space between them,so I felt little unpleasant.

"Why are you asking that?" He asked instead of answering.

"Because,like I said you have same surname as him,you have similar hair,you are both from Wales and you look like sports,like him. That's why." I answered him.

He came a little bit closer.

"Do you think I'm him?" He said looking at me intensive.

"Well,maybe." I said looking at his unusual but beautiful eyes.

"Ok. I sopose then you're a big football fan and Real Madrid is your favourite club. Can you name some players?" He said still looking at me like that.

"Yes,I am a big football fan. Real is not my favourite club,but I still love him. My favourite is Barca and yes,I know a lot of Real players. Like Bale,Ronaldo,Modric,Rodriguez,Cassilass..."

I was answering him that I didn't notice that he came closer. He fast put his hands on my face and kissed me.

Just a fling,or maybe more?  (Gareth Bale story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now