A Family Dinner in the Apartment

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26: Mason

            “So Mason, I hear you’re into music?”

“Yeah I play guitar and keyboard.”

“And he sings,” my mom interjected.

“Yeah, with my sister whenever she’s around.”

“Wow, you must be very talented.”

“He is,” my mom said.

“Well, I played the drums for a band back in college, maybe we can play together sometime?”

“Yeah, maybe. If my mom decides to keep you around.” I laughed to make sure that they both knew it was a joke and then we were all laughing.

            It was Saturday night and Connor, my mom’s new boyfriend from floor two, came over for dinner. I had spent the day working at Gus’s alone, because Curtis had his “date”. He told me that I should be taking Kaitlyn out on a date soon, I just wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. My wonderful girlfriend was at a sleepover party while I was stuck here at this dinner thing. It honestly wasn’t that bad though. Connor was a pretty cool guy, much better than my dad, plus he was sarcastic, which got him some extra points in my book.

“So tell me a little more about yourself,” he suggested.

“Well there isn’t much to tell. I like music, blue raspberry Italian ice, hanging out with my friend Curtis, and my girlfriend Kaitlyn. There’s not much else.”

“Well why don’t you tell me about this girlfriend of yours.” I laughed, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to not talk about her.

“She is actually pretty awesome. She deals with any problem that comes her way head on. She has green eyes and brown hair and…” I trailed off, realizing that I sounded like a girl.

            “And…?” My mother asked.

            “And well, she’s just pretty freaking amazing.”

“I could tell you a little about my girlfriend, but I’m afraid your mother wouldn’t like that…” He joked. She slapped him on the arm and we all chuckled and took another bite of steak. My mom cooked steaks and baked potatoes with green beans and we were eating at my kitchen table. It honestly felt like a family dinner, even without Sarah and with Connor.

“You make one more joke about having another girlfriend, man and you’ll be out of here forever,” I said with as much seriousness as I could pack into one sentence. I fixed my best glare at Connor until he looked intimidated. My mom looked shocked. Then I laughed and got the two of them laughing as well.

“You looked so intimidated by him Con!” My mom said through her laughter.

“Well it’s hard to please teenage boys, trust me I would know, and you are someone I would very much like to keep on my good side,” he directed the last part to me and he and my mom interlocked their arms.

            I finished their dinner with them, and it went really well. I could tell that this Connor guy was going to grow on me. Then I got a text from Curtis saying that he had just dropped Dani at Brandon’s and asked me if I wanted to hang out.

“Aright, as fun as this was,” I began, “you two love birds need a little time alone. Watch a movie, eat some desert, do whatever dating adults do…” I trailed off not wanting to go any farther into that conversation. “Uh, anyways… I’m sleeping over Curtis’s tonight so I’ll see you tomorrow mom!” And with that I walked out of the apartment and took the car to Curtis's.

Curtis's parents were better off than my mom and I, and even better off than Kaitlyn’s father, pre-accident. They weren’t quite rich, though. His parents had enough money to keep him out of Darien, but not enough to come remotely close to buying a house or mansion like Brandon or Dani. When I walked in I saw Dale and Zack (who I hadn’t seen since we went to Rita’s) playing Xbox in Curtis’s living room.  

            “Hey Mason! Long time, no see!”

            “Hey Dale, how’s life been?”

            “Well, my girlfriend just broke up with me,” he replied.

            “Aw, that sucks, man.”

            “Nah, I wasn’t all that into her anyways.”

            “Sure you weren’t,” Zack said sarcastically. Curtis walked into the room with two huge liters of soda and three large pizza boxes.

“And the night begins!” He screamed. Throughout the night we played video games and ate pizza. Zack wanted to do prank calls, but Dale told him it was childish and stupid, shutting his brother’s idea down. The twins left around midnight and left Curtis and I to watch Fast and Furious 3. We both passed out in his basement.

A/N: Sorry guys, this is a filler chapter to keep the mason/kaintlyn Pov switch going..... I'm going to uplod the next chapter right after though so whatever 

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