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"Open the door!"

The constant knocks on the door wasn't any scarier than Jungkook's eyes. But it was still scary.

I turned my wet eyes to his fiery eyes. "Please don't give me to them." I didn't know why I was whispering. I didn't know why I was thinking Jungkook was the safe place I could hide in. And I didn't know how the police found me. But, this waz the situation and Jungkook was only one near me.

"You deserve to be arrested." Another tear dropped. "I would love to see you and people like you to be thrown in jail for good." Another tear... "But if you want, I can keep you." A little bit of hope... "But I'll be a lot less merciful." And another tear.

"Open the door or we'll get in!" shouted the police once again.

I looked at Jungkook as I was expecting to be saved. I was begging him without even knowing what he'll do. But I have never imagined myself getting arrested. What I was doing was just an obsession that meant no harm. It was like that for me. That's why the thought of actually being a criminal and getting arrested was so scary and so strange.

"You don't want to go?" I nodded quickly. "Well, then."

He got up from me and went towards the door. Door opened. I started listening without moving.

"What's happening in the middle of the night?" Jungkook said in his calmest voice.

"Someone is in your room sir."

"What?" Oh wasnt he a good actor.

"We got a call from the security. The housekeeper told them someone got into your room claiming they were your manager." He stopped talking for two seconds. "Your members said you have no personal manager."

"I don't have a manager and there's no one in my room. Now if you could let me slee-"

"Sir please. You might now know it yet. We have to search your room."

"Jungkook let them take a look. Housekeeper said she opened the door for someone." It was RM's voice. Appearently whole BTS was in front of the room. Should have I felt important?

"Hyung, I'm sure there is no one in the room. And I want to sleep. Please you go sleep too."

"Jungkook just-"

"Hyung, please I'm tired."

Almost 10 seconds passed in silence.

"If you say so." RM decided to trust Jungkook. He probably was feeling bad for him that he was always tired and wasn't getting enough sleep. As I learned from a sasaeng friend of mine Jungkook was the least sleeping member with only 5 hours a day.

"Just let him rest, he is always tired anyway. Why are we interrupting his sleep?" said Suga. BTS members were convinced because they knew Jungkook. But the police kept insisting.

"Sir, it's best if we take a look at-" And the door was shut. Appearently Jungkook couldn't bother to explain himself to them. So he finished the conversation.

He came into the room while there was still a talk going outside the door. He took his black shirt off exposing everything I would do anything to see. His abs... Normally I would scream or take a picture of it quickly to sell later for a fortune. But, now I was only shaking, and watching him without saying a thing.

He threw his shirt on his suitcase. Then he sat on the end of the bed. He didn't say anything until the voices outside disappeared completely.

He got up and turned to me. "Leave." He took out a white shirt and talked after wearing it. "Keep on following us. Stay close all the time. Go when I tell you to and come when I tell you to. And keep those other sasaengs away from us. If I see you running, I give your ID to police. And believe me I wouldn't care a bit."

He stopped doing anything, turned to me and came closer, then closer. His face was inches away from mine. "I will get you a room from every hotel we go. You'll stay there under my control; won't do anything less or more."

I wasn't sure if I had my voice or not, but I still tried. "I booked a room here."

He got a little away from me. "Of course you did." he said smirking. "Sometimes I underestimate you sasaengs."

I felt a little ashamed. I sat on the bed. He suddenly turned on the light. Then he looked at me.

"You look awful. Why aren't our sasaengs ever beautiful or sexy? They are always loose looking like you." he said with a disgusted face.

I felt heartbroken. I have never expected him to fall in love with me as he saw me like other sasaengs have. Most of them were following BTS members to be visible to them all the time so the members feel attracted to them. My purpose was more real, more possible. Seeing them up close, like they are my main thing in this world. But, hearing him saying this to my face and knowing I wasn't any good looking to him was really harder then I thought. I wanted to cry once again.

After some seconds of me looking at the ground while he was staring at me, he decided to talk. "What are you waiting for? Leave."

I got up; took my phone and my bag and opened the door. He talked.

"Don't tell your crazy friends that you got into my room once. I'll learn if you do."

I wanted to laugh but I was too stressed to do it. He didn't have any idea what other sasaengs would do to me if they knew I spent a night in Jeon Jungkook's room. And he wouldn't even know even of I told them. Did he even know some sasaengs have a key to his family's summer house in Jeju Island? They were more dangerous then he knew.

After he closed the door, I left for my room with avoiding beeing seen. As soon as I got into my room I took out my phone. The footage of him sleeping was still there, whether he forgot to delete it or he wanted to test me.

I looked at it. He was like a bunny sleeping. A cute, innocent bunny... Then he opened his eyes for like a millisecond just before pulling me into the bed. That was where the video finished.

Oh, how I could sell this footage for thousands. I can't lie. I thought about making a post on my IG account. Jungkook sleeping footage from inside of his room: 30000 dollars. Because my account was anonymous, I could sell it without being attacked by fans.

But I couldn't.

Whatever happened,

I wanted this moment to be only for me.


Things are starting to happen between them I'm so excited for it.

Please don't forget to leave a comment and a little vote for me so I can keep writing for you guys. 💕💓

Ily Amiiiii 💜

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