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I woke up with eyes that were
swollen. Today BTS was going back
to Korea. I wondered where I was going
to stay once we are in korea. I
knew the dorm address of BTS.
Basic sasaeng info. Easy to know.
Some Staff stay in HYBE building
sometimes. Maybe I will stay there

Did I like my life right now? I didn't.
I liked my sasaeng life. The hope
of meeting BTS one day, and the
decision of they being nice to you
until one of them falls madly in
love with you...

Now I was betraying all my old
sasaeng rules for BTS to hate me
even more. I was covered in desperation.
Jimin's stylist wasn't in the room. I
took the opportunity to check my
camera for the photos I took
so far. Some of them looked
sellable to me. I moved them to a
seperate file and sent them to my

Photo of Jungkook and Jimin smoking.

Video of V drinking in the hotel

Photo of Jungkook's hotel room in USA.

Were they going to know it was me
who was spreading these? Maybe.
Did I care? No. Only thing I wanted was Jungkook to love me. He didn't. So it was over.

I didn't care about going to jail,
I didn't care about not being
respected by anyone. I only cared about living.
After I put them all on sale
on my page I gathered all my
stuff into my bag.

I was feeling sick nowadays, My
nose was stuffy, my head was
hurting and I was sneezing and
coughing a lot. I guess I got the

But I didn't think anyone would care.
Neither did I. From now on I wasn't
important even for myself.
After a while of doing absolutely nothing
in the room, I got a text from

"We will depart from entrance 2,
lure them to 4th." I got my order and took my bag.

I got out of the room. Then I saw Na-eun
at the lobby. What the fuck?
"What in the hell Na-eun, how did
you get inside?"
"Thanks to Jade."
"Who the fuck is Ja-?" Jade Kim...

"She told all of us the way to get in.
I had to act like the hotel staff. It was
so fun, you wouldn't believe. She told
you too right?"

Who the fuck kinda fake ass bitch is
she to know something I don't? "Nah,
I have my own ways."

I held Na-eun's hand. "But, don't
ever do this again Na-eun. It's too risky.
Besides, do you really think you deserve
this opportunity? You aren't even that
good of a sasaeng."

I wanted to humiliate her, she needed
to know her place. Or, things would get
complicated for me. Even more than it is

She looked sad. "You are right Moli", She
said my sasaeng name, "there are rules."

"Yes. Now let's leave. I heard they will
depart from the 4th entrance. Let's
tell the others and not be late."

After we let the others know, we arrived
at the airport. There were already more
than a thousand people waiting for
BTS. My intell had worked, and even the
reporters were gathered at the wrong

I took my camera out to look not
suspicious. I was already feeling like
I could faint. I was really sick ard
I needed medicine. Unfortunately, I never
carried anything beneficial in my bag.
The only things I had were my sasaeng

After the news of BTS being at the
second gate, everyone started running
there at full speed, including the
reporters and me.

It was too late when everyone arrived
at the second gate. BTS members had
departed smoothly, and I accomplished
another mission.

After our plane arrived at the
Incheon Airport, I didn't know
where to go. To my lonely house or
to somewhere else?

Thankfully (!) Jungkook texted me
calling me to the HYBE building.



What was I even gonna do there?

How was I gonna get in?

"Hey there yeorobeun, new sasaeng
in the building"?

Without knowing what I'm doing with my
life, I took a taxi. I arrived at
the new Hybe building.

I called Jungkook.

"Don't ever call me." He hanged up.

I called again.

"What do you want?"

Nothing. How could I ever want
something from you?

"How am I supposed to get in the building?"

"Just say I'm Jungkook's guest. I'll let them know."

He hanged up again.

I walked towards the giant door of the building. After passing the door, the security stopped me after they couldn't see a staff card in my hand.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Oh hello," I used my most innocent voice ever, "I am Jeon Jungkook-nim's guest."

He turned to the other security guard. After that one nodded, he used his card on the door to let me in. "Welcome Miss."

So this is how it feels to be the enemy let inside the base.

I wanted to smile, but it would look awkward to others.

Jungkook texted me which floor and which room I was supposed to go to. Now probably BTS members were all be there, unpacking or maybe holding a meeting while I stand there guilty as fuck.

I entered the room to see only Jungkook.

He was alone?

"Where are the other members?" I asked.

"Thought they wouldn't want to see you again."

Oh yeah...

He continued. "Nice job for today. It was the easiest I have ever travelled. You must have a lot of people counting on your words. I caught a good one."

I wasn't a fish tho. "I have my own ways."

He looked at my bag. "That's all you have?"

"Yeah why?"

"Allright then. I won't question. Take them with you to the car park. We are going."

He started walking towards the door.

"Going where?"

He turned to me.

"To my house. You'll stay there from now on."

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