Chapter Eleven

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My eyes squeezed close as I prepared myself for the cold blade, and the pain.

I'm going to die!
I'm going to die and no one's going to know I'm gone.
Not Lovino, not Elizabeta, not Ludwig.

I heard the air split as the sword was brought down. I was suprised when I didn't feel it bite into my skin.

I dared to open an eye, and nearly cried in relief when I saw the figure infront of me.
I couldn't place them as someone I knew, but I was overly thrilled they had saved me.

From my kneeling position I could only see my savior's back. A dark pink coat with long coat tales, tan pants tucked into a deep mahogany colored boots that reached mid shin.

Messy strawberry blonde hair stuck out in every direction, but held it's own level of neatness as it housed a top hat that was the same color as the coat with a baby blue boy tied around it.

A gloved hand held the blade, growing red as the metal buried its self in soft flesh.

"Hatter." Kuro hissed in disgust as his red eyes glared at the man who saved me.

"Kuro." the man says, the thick British accent dripping from every word. The voice was calm, but laced with hidden hostility.

Kuro drew back his blade, and stood with a strong stance, "What are you doing here? This isn't your territory."

"I'm here because my boys ran off again." Hatter replies as he flicks his blood soaked hand to rid it of the crimson liquid.
It dotted the grey forest floor, giving a morbid color to the scene.

"You know better than to associate with them, they're part of the resistance." I was suprised with how calm Kuro was. I wondered why he wasn't hustling Hatter as he had me.

"They are my sons," the blonde hissed, "I don't care if they are outlaws, it is my job to protect them."

"Foolish man." Kuro says aiming his attack at the blonde who easily avoided it. Hatter made quick work of taking out the two men that held me while dodging deadly blows.

For the on on my right, was a swift twist if his neck. The sound was sickening, and the gasping sound he made as he dies slowly was even worse.
For the second, Hatter had dodged one of Kuro's swings, managing to effectively guide the sharp blade into the throat of the unsuspecting man. I had screamed as the blood sprayed onto me. Warm and sticky. It felt horrible.

I could decide which had died worse.

I scrambled backward into a tree watching the scene in terror.
Blood leaked from a cut on the blonde's cheek. I could see his face now.

Pale, and freckled with bushy eyebrows. I couldn't tell the eye color from where I stood, but it didn't bother me none. It was an insignificant trait at the moments.

"Feliciano!" A familiar voice yelled. My head turned quickly at the voice and I cried in joy.

"Otto!" I got to my feet and met him halfway. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I hid my face in his shoulder as I cried and rambled on about the fight. Kuro and Hatter.

"Good to see you, boys!" Hatter called cheerfully as he once again grabbed the awards blade and tried to wrestle it out of Kuro's hands.

"What the hell old man!?" Allen yelled as he and Matt rushed to help him.
Matt managed to get Kuro away from Hatter, but Kuro was dead set on killing someone.

The blade had been aimed to strike Allen's throat, but found itself buried into Hatter's arm as he blocked the red head from the blow. He cried out in frustration and pain.

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