Chapter Seven

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My ears rang in a painful way as my brain throbbed in time with my heart beat.

My body felt so heavy.

I didn't feel the chilling cold of the fountain water anymore. I dept warmer, though only slightly. I didn't feel wet at all.

I stayed still, finding it much easier than moving my stiff limbs.

Was this what death is like?

I expected something more like heaven. Or even hell.
Something like the garden Ludwig showed me. Or like grandpa's house back home in Italy.

I did not expect the heavy weight of the pitch dark.

I tried to move a little, just barely managing to move my fingers over.... Fabric?

Did someone pull me out of the fountain?

Was it Otto? Or Lovino? Ludwig?

The idea of having one of them with me gave me a new strength.

I tried to open my eyes, finding it futile.
I groaned as I pushed my muscles into moving.

"Hey," a voice says, "guys I think he's waking up!"
I tried to place the voice. I had never heard that kind of accent before... Like English, but weird...

I felt some prodding on my stomach. Whoever pressed on my stomach didn't have concerns about being gentle.
I cough a little at the pressure, my throat burned at the air forced through it.

"Wakey wakey, sunshine!" the voice says a bit too loud for my liking, the loudness of it adding to the ringing in my ears.
A loud 'smack' is heard as the prodding stops.

"Stop that, Al!" another voice snaps, this one also weird. Like French, but leaning more towards English.

"That hurt, jerk!" the first voice yelled as another 'smack' echoed.
"You little-" roared the second voice.

The voices, and smacks carried on for a few minutes before they were silenced by a rather loud thump.

"Both of you knock it off," a third voice huffs, "Oliver raised you better than this."
Grumbling could be heard for voices one and two.

What the hell is going on?

I groaned again, doing my best to move. A gentle hand pressed against my forehead, pushing me back down, and stilling my motions.
I resisted the guide only to have it once again push me down.

I groaned, moving my head to the right.

"Don't move too much," a soft voice cooed into my ear softly making me shiver.

Despite the strange voices, and not knowing where I was, I listened to the advice.
I laid still.

Not long after I once again became still I heard a door open and close, footsteps ringing in the air. They stopped as I felt fingers run through my hair. Long, slender fingers brushed against my scalp, sometimes running down my cheek, in a soothing way.
"How is he?" this voice was familiar.

"Better." said a soft voice, the same voice that spoke close to my ear, "He's still very weak, you shouldn't have let him fall like that."

"I didn't want to, but he needed to get here fast." fingers continued to brush my auburn hair lulling me almost back to sleep.

I felt a light kiss press against my forehead, "Felicano..."

I opened my eyes just barely enough to see a face infront of me.

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