Chapter Six

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My honey colored eyes were wide as I took in the sight before me.

There stood Antonio, my brother in law, carefully hidden behind a a wall of bushes. His dark brown hair was a more messy than normal, and his clothes were disoriented.

But what really took me by surprise was the fact he wasn't alone.

There stood a woman. Luscious blonde curls resting on her shoulders, and forest green eyes.

I have never met her personally, but I'd seen photographs, and been told about her.

Antonio and Emma stood together, bodies pressed together as the passionately kissed.

It didn't make sense.
I thought Antonio loved my brother. I mean, Lovino had a weird way of showing his love, but he always tried for the Spaniard.

If Antonio had Lovino, why would he need Emma?
Why would he be unfaithful to someone who loves him so much?

"Oh..." was all I was able to voice, but it was enough to catch their attention.

They quickly separated, Emma began to fix her dress, and hair. Antonio wiped the lipstick from his mouth with the back of his hand before smiling at me.

"¡Hola, cuñado!" he says in an enthusiastic voice. His lips were still tinted with the red of Emma lipstick, and the slightest bit smeared onto his cheek.
His olive toned skin held a blush to it being very visible.

I just looked at him dumbfounded.
Why is he acting like nothing happened?

"Felicano!" Ludwig yelled as he finally caught up to me, "Don't run off like that, you could-... What's going on here?"

"Nothing, amigo." insists Antonio.
"Right." Ludwig draws out, eyeing the pair suspiciously.

Emma excuses herself, saying something about needing to go find her brother.
Antonio watches her leave, a grin on his lips as he watches the sway in her hips.

It disgusted me.

I had never been disgusted by romance, watching couples kiss, and hug, and do all those couple like things made me happy.
The idea of two people sharing such a bond, sharing a love, gave me a great joy in existing alongside humanity.

But this was not love.

This was being unfaithful.
This was hurting my brother's trust, and breaking his wedding vowels.

"Why..." I asked softly, my nose wrinkling in disgust as I clenched my fists.

"¿Qué?" Antonio asked with a confused smile.

"Why?" I repeat, louder this time, "Why are you being unfaithful to my brother?"

"Oh," he flashes a charming smile that would have made me weak in the knees two minutes ago, "It's nothing really."

"Nothing?!" I nearly scream. My voice cracks for a moment, squeaking higher than it has sense I was a child.

"Felicano," Ludwig says softly, placing a hand on my shoulder, "maybe we should go."

"Si, you should," Antonio agrees, "and keep this a secret, yea? It would be a shame to see little Lovi heartbroken."

"Don't call him that," I hiss, "you shouldn't have the right-"
"Dios mio, you're starting to sound like your brother." Antonio sighs, cutting my off, "Where is he anyway?"

I was about it snap at him, maybe even loose my temper and hit him. I'm not a violent person, but no one hurts mio fratello.
Before I could even manage a syllable, Ludwig beat me to it.

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