Chapter 17

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I was greeted by the coldness of metal around my wrists. Chains ran across the room and were hooked onto both walls from me. The room was dark but light enough for me to see what was around me.

 Blinking, I realised I wasn't moved much. I was still in the storage room except I was on my knees, kneeling over a stone engraved circle. There were characters set around the perimeter circle, but I couldn't make out what they said. The windows were open sending cold gusts of wind onto my face, blowing my hair all over the place.

Even if I did there was a small probability I could read it. 

"Hello? Is anybody there?" My voice echoed back to me, nobody was around. "Hello?!"

What was I going to do now?

My head looked around the room again, I needed to get out. Being stuck inside a dark, dusty room wasn't the best experience ever. Especially with that demon out on a loose.

My D.D.D, where was it?

I leaned forward to get a better view of the room, even though the chains tightened pulling me back. I wasn't going to lose hope now, I used my legs to stamp on anything feeling for anything in the dark. Weirdly, the chains loosed and I suddenly felt very weak. Then I fell forwards. The dust rose from my body's impact making me cough. Pain sparked from my sternum and the side of my torso.

This was getting scary. Not only was I defenceless I was held, prisoner.

"HELP!" I screamed through coughs.

 I just had to bet that someone was going to come past. If only I could get to my D.D.D I could send Lucifer or Satan a text to come and rescue me. Or just anyone at this point. Out of nowhere, smoke filled the room, sweeping the dust to the side of the room.

At that moment, my friends I wasn't alone. But with someone, I would never prefer to be within one room after the incident. He held my head back with his gloved fingers, he added pressure making me wince in pain. The cold wind warped around us, cold-like glaciers.

"Unhand me!"

He merely chucked as I thrashed around to shake his grip off of my skull, but it was no use. He had the strength of a gorilla, it was unbreakable. My nails scraped against his exposed wrist, he had no reaction while I watched his deep crimson blood drop onto my forehead. "WHO ARE YOU?! Whoever you are let me go!"

"You've been a very bad human, darling," he says smoothly. 

He yanks my head back and I see his face. He snarled. It was him, the one who sent me here. Those silver eyes and brown hair. It was him alright. My eyes clenched.

"Let me go!"

The chains tightened, while I thrashed my body. The more I moved the tighter they became around my wrists, the edges of the shackles were tight and close enough to pierce my skin.

"I can't do that, you're interfering human," He grinned, fangs greeting me with fear.

I jolted back but that was a mistake. I screamed as the shackles drew blood from my wrists, my own blood spilt onto the concrete. The red stood out from the faded grey.

"What do you want from them?!!"

He lets go of my head and it hangs down while I caught my breath again. He was insane, I've never met someone so savage before. The man walked around me and crouched in front of me. He wore a black button-up shirt with the first few buttons undone, he had his sleeves rolled and wore the white gloves I saw earlier. He brought a finger to his mouth and shushed me.

"Don't tell anyone... but I'd like my revenge,"

The edges of his mouth curled into a smile then into a snicker- sending a shiver up my spine. Still panting like I just got off of a marathon I pressed on.

"Why? What did they ever do to you!?"

The searing of the shackles never exited my mind, it tethered my focus onto them. One move and I was digging my grave slowly. He clicked his fingers and a chair dragged behind him. He took a seat; he folded his legs and his face crept closer to mine. He was close enough that our noses were touching.


"Lilith," he replies simply, giggling like an idiot. "All I ever wanted was Lilith, yet those men held me back from having her. She loved me but they didn't approve," His eyes narrowed. "Especially that overprotective Lucifer,"

He said Lucifer's name like it was rubbish, I wanted to have a go at him and hit him. But I couldn't, all I could do to help them now was tell them what was going on. They needed to make sure he doesn't do anything.

"He insisted that I stayed away, and being broken-hearted I'll do whatever it takes to make Lilith mine. I've waited all these centuries for this, I forged that grimoire to kill off every single brother till it leaves me a grand path to her," He held out his hands. "I spent everything to make that grimoire and most of all thank you human for breaking the seal," He rubs my cheek with his fingers.

I moved my head away in disgust. "it was much appreciated, now I must go to claim what I reserved,"

What a way to hold a grudge, Lucifer and his brothers were only doing it for the good of Lilith. Lilith herself might've been against it but at the end of the day they were only looking out for her. Even if I was in her position I would never want to be with this man ever. He stood up and made his way up the staircase leading up to the door.

"WAIT!" He stops and pivots. "Y-you won't get past them, y-you won't kill them, you'll regret ever coming here again. They will defeat you and they will come and save me, if they don't I'll do anything to get out of here," I retorted, making him raise his eyebrow in amusement.

He waved his hand, blood still dripping from where I scratched him. The gust of wind died down, he chuckled.

"What a feisty human, if you're good I might keep you to myself so you won't ever need to interfere, but now that you're restrained I must go tend to my plan now. Also to mention, you've painted your blood over the magic circle dear, the only way to break free is a demon's touch, but it's not just a touch-he glanced at his imaginary watch-just look at the time I must be leaving."

I cursed under my breath.

He can't do this, he can't kill them. It was all because of me, I wanted to stop him right there and then but I had no idea how I was going to get out of here without someone coming down to help me. 

"Oh and the name's Aurelius,"

Then he was gone.


It's Monday~ I hope you like it^^


Princess- Obey me, one master to rule them all- Lucifer x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz