Chapter 15

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Plans for the school festival went forward, leaving me to be the busiest I've ever been. I know that I wasn't alone, but the stack of jobs was endless. 

Diavolo wanted this festival to go to plan. Being the festival this weekend- it was already Tuesday- there was a lot to do, it was around 1 pm and I was walking back into Diavolo's office with a stack of lists and plans. I made my way up a few steps of stairs and his office door came into sight.

Shoving the door open with my foot, I slipped inside. Lucifer and Diavolo were in there as per usual, talking. They ended their conversation and their attention was on me.

"Good afternoon Y/N," greets Diavolo, rising out of his seat.

Lucifer smiled at me as I shut the door, taking a seat in the chair in front of the Demon King's desk. I placed the sheets of paper down onto his desk.

"Good afternoon, Diavolo, Lucifer, uh- here are the lists for what the art club needs to go forward with," 

Diavolo glanced at the folder filled with the designs and lists, then grinned to himself, satisfied.

"Thank you Y/N, so far it's been a smooth ride because of your help," 

It was a flattering comment but it was nothing, I laughed nervously. The demon standing stood against a bookshelf watching everything unfold. He hasn't said a word for the time I've been here.

"I'm happy to be of help, is there anything else?" 

Diavolo lowers himself down and glanced at his right-hand man. Lucifer leaned off of the bookshelf.

"Lucifer and I were talking about where the location was going to be, if it is alright could you please suggest locations around the academy that would suit best?" 

He grinned, looking at me with his sharp eyes. At this point, they were more like orders than requests. I guess a walk around the school wasn't too bad. "Lucifer will accompany you," He adds.

Taking me by surprise, my eyes widened for a split second. 

"Alright," I reply, sharing a look with Lucifer.

With that set, we decided we were going to find a suitable place after the last period of the day ended. Of course, right after Lucifer finished his paperwork which usually took around 2 hours.


I met up with Lucifer in frontcourt yard he then checked his D.D.D staring at the time. He was standing against a lamppost with his arms folded. His eyes were dull from looking at stacks of paper all day. 

"I've told Mammon and Satan that we're going to be here so no need to contact them," 

The last few students headed out staring at Lucifer, he pats my back urging me forward. "Let's get started,"

I guess Lucifer didn't like the unnecessary attention, we went to various area's around the school but none of them seemed fit. We then started walking back towards the school taking the back fence into the vast quad. There was enough room to fit the whole school body and the stalls that were going to be set out. 

I put my hands on my hips. I pointed towards the moor.

"What about here? It's pretty big, and it connects up to the field. There'll be more than enough room, especially if we use both the field and the quad unless we want to do it in the frontcourt,"

Lucifer studies the area like he was imagining where everything was going to be.

"It's a good idea Y/N, the frontcourt would be a perfect place but it would be too compressed. Especially now that we have benches and tables out here it'd make a good area for a festival,"  

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