Bullies and "Romance"~Cash & Mav

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You ran to your best friend, jumping up into the air when you reached him. He caught you and spun you around before placing you down. He and his family had just gotten back from a road trip, they've been gone for a whole month! It was July now and he came home just in time for your birthday next week.

"I've missed you so much! The first month of summer and I didn't see my best friend at all!"

You groaned and dramatically acted as if you were going to faint. Cash laughed and agreed with you.

"Gee Y/n, missed you too"

You looked and saw Maverick standing on the porch, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sorry Mav, I missed you lots too!"

You couldn't have been happier, your best friend was home.

~Now: Junior Year of high school~

You ran a hand through your hair, swung your bag onto your back, and walked out your door. You didn't want to go to school and face him again. It was February, and you've been bullied by your childhood best friend for a year now. Cash Baker was your best friend but started to hang out with the wrong people your second year of high school. Ever since then, he's bullied you.

You arrived at school and pushed through the groups of people.


You looked to your left and saw your best friend, Penny (Feel free to change the name), walking over towards you. You smiled and walked to meet her. The two of you walked to your lockers, chatting the whole way about celebrities, drama, homework, and more. You spun in your combination and open your door, grabbing whatever books you needed. Your locker door quickly shut, the sound making you jump. You stared at your feet, already knowing who it was.

"Hey Y/n, Penny"

You didn't say a word. You heard Penny giggle and looked up to see Cash wrapping an arm around her. You quickly pulled her down the hallway

"Penny, what the hell!?"

"What's your damage?"

"Why are you being all friendly with Cash? He bullies us remember?"

She seemed to roll her eyes a bit before her expression soften.

"I was gonna tell you...he asked me out, for real, we've been going steady for about a week"

"Penny! Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

"Because....it doesn't matter anyway, but I'll be with him and his friends-"

You closed your eyes and sighed before opening them and looking down the hallway that was now empty, first period had already started but you could care less. Your eyes met Cash's bright ones and he smirked, making you turn back to Penny.

"You're ditching me for Cash?"

She nodded, there was no hesitation. 

"Wow. Okay, thanks, ya know, I just hope you remember who was there when you were bullied by him. I...bye Penny"

You started to walk back down the hall, she didn't even try to stop you. That's what hurt the most, she didn't care. You make a sharp left and went into the girls bathroom.

You studied yourself in the mirror and pulled yourself together. You weren't gonna let Cash get the upper hand again. Penny left, that's her loss, right? You decided to hide out in the bathroom until first period ended, and you were ever so thankful to hear the bell finally ring.

The rest of the day you just ignored Cash and Penny. You made it a goal to not let him get the upper hand. In class, you ignored him, didn't look at him or her, and for lunch, you went outside near the track.


You turned at the sound of your name and saw Maverick coming towards you. He sat down next to you and smiled.

This idea came from 123Jazzie321
I changed it up a bit and added Maverick into it but thank you for the idea and I hope you all enjoy!

Word Count: 670

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