He find out you're pregnant

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You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, sighing deeply after. This is the third morning you've thrown up. You walked to your room quietly, hoping to not wake your sleeping boyfriend. You grabbed clothes and rushed back to the bathroom to change and do your hair.

After that, you walked to the corner store and found the tests. You walked up the front counter, thankful that there weren't many people in the store. No one wants to do the "Pregnancy Test walk of shame". You placed the basket that held the item on the counter and reached for your wallet, the lady smiled softly at you and gave you a cup of coffee/tea for you. You thanked her and payed before heading back to the house.

Now you were sitting on the floor in the bathroom, tears flowed down your cheeks slowly. You were pregnant. Please, let this be a dream, you thought in your mind but you knew it wasn't. You wanted a child of course, but you weren't so sure Maverick did. Negative thoughts ran through your head as you sat there, staring at the test that layed on the ground not to far away from you. You buried it in the bottom of the trash can and washed your hands. You went into the living room, smiling at Maverick who was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey babe, did you leave the house this morning?" He asked

"Yea....I just went for a walk, nice morning"

He nodded slowly, still not fully believing you. Later that day, you had left to go to the store for some things to make dinner. When you came home, you were met with the tear stained face of Maverick Baker....your boyfriend's eyes were red as he looked at you. You dropped the bags and walked closer to him.


You looked at him, confused, but then realized what he was talking about.

"W-when did you...f-f-find out?"

"Mav, babe, I was gonna tell you, I swear I was gonna, but I was scared, I...."

You mixed up words, not sure what to say, you were scared, scared he would leave you, scared he would say he didn't want the baby. But he didn't. He walked up to you and grabbed your hands, wrapping them in his.

"It's okay, I'm happy"

"R-really? You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? We're gonna be parents!"

He yelled as he picked you up and spun you around the room. Maybe it would turn out okay.


You and Cash were on vacation in Florida. So obviously, you guys had done a lot outside and inside. You woke up one morning and rushed to the bathroom, Cash didn't notice, for he was in a deep slumber. You threw up and flushed the toilet after. You placed a hand on your hand and thought that maybe it was from something you ate. You did have that sushi, maybe that was it. Yes, you decided, that was it. It was the sushi. You cleaned yourself up and took a shower before walking back to the room. Cash was now awake and on his phone, smiling as he saw you come in.

You layed down on the bed next to him and smiled. He discussed his plans for the day with you and you nodded in agreement.

"And then we can finish the night with a homemade dinner, from me"

"Sounds like a plan babe"

You both got ready and headed to the store, to buy whatever he would need to cook tonight. Then you started your plans, starting at the beach.

When you arrived, you both changed and found a spot to set your stuff down. It wasn't really crowded that bad at the beach. You layed in your chair, taking in the sun. Cash was next to you, but soon got bored.

"Can we go play?"

You raised an eyebrow and saw a playful smirk on his face. He lifted you up and threw you over his shoulder, laughing as he did. You laughed and tried to wiggle away but couldn't. He ran into the water, throwing you and himself into it. You swam up and pushed your hair back, Cash swam up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed your lips softly, but then pulled away and whispered

"Tag, you're it"

Then he swam away yelling and laughing.

Around noon, you both had changed into normal clothes and had left the beach. You packed the stuff into the car and climbed in, pulling on your seat belt as Cash did. He put the car in drive and off you went to get lunch and then to go to your next adventure.

~A couple hours later~

Cash was cooking dinner, singing along to whatever music was playing. Once dinner was ready, he called you and you both ate in peace. He was a good cook if you were honest.

~A few days later~

You wiped your mouth and leaned against the wall, holding your stomach. Cash walked in and rubbed your back, as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"We need to go to a doctor"

He mumbled, you nodded and slowly got up. You both got changed and ate before leaving for the doctor's.

At the doctors, you were called into the room, and Cash waited in the waiting room. You explained to your doctor and they ran some tests. The doctor came back with a grin and a paper, they handed it to you.

"Congratulations Ms. Y/L/N"

You smiled and thanked the doctor before running out to Cash. He read the paper, his eyes glowing.

"You're pregnant?!"

"I'm pregnant"

Who knew a vacation would end up with you finding out you're pregnant?

Word Count- 982

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