The Crush (pt.3)

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A/N- Decided to do POV's, hope you guys enjoy! And sorry about not publishing chapters, all lot has been happening lately, sorry :(

Y/n's POV~

It had been about a week of summer vacation. I hung with Cash and other friends at times or just sat at home and enjoyed the day watching Netflix and stuff. I was trying to figure out how I felt about Maverick, trying to move on but I just couldn't. What am I gonna do? Just remain "love sick" forever? I was watching a movie but kinda zoned out when thinking. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when my phone screen lit up with the words "1 new message from:Cash💙🙄😂"

Maverick's POV~

I couldn't believe that I messed things up with y/n. I miss her so much, we were so close. The words she said still stuck to me. "Dating Lexi was enough" Did I hurt her that bad when I went with Lexi? I'm so stupid. To think she warned me, both her and Cash did, but I was blinded and didn't listen. UGH! I'm gonna try to do everything I can to get her back. I mean Lexi's been acting different lately which at a time like this I need y/n, I've always needed her, she's always be there for me. No offense to Cash of course since he is my brother. I decided to ask Cash for advice.



Me:Can I ask you something?

Cash:Omg don't tell me your asking me if you should do-

Me:Cash eww! No!

Cash:Oh thank god, what is it?

I sighed and looked down, then at him.

Me:How do I get y/n back? I feel terrible for spending more time with Lexi and with Lexi acting weird I need y/n back, I've been needing her back, she's my best friend or was...

Cash:Well I think I know a way to set up a "get together", but you do know that dating Lexi and pushing her to the side really did hurt her....

Me:I know Cash, I messed up I know but now I need to fix things

Me and Cash started talking and coming up with ideas on what to do.

Y/n's POV~

I was watching (movie of your choice) when Cash messaged me. I opened the message and read it out loud.

Cash💙🙄😂:Hey would you be willing to hang out later today? At my place?

Y/n:Sure....what time?

Cash💙🙄😂:How about 5:00?

Y/n:Alright see ya soon 🙄💙

I loked at the time and saw it was 4:15. I sighed and went to my room. I figured to change into decent clothes since I was wearing some old T-shirt and sweat pants. I changed into a short sleeve, blue shirt and put some jeans on since it was a bit chilly outside. I threw on some shoes and a somewhat oversized hoodie, that Maverick had bought me. I made sure I had my phone, my charger, and whatever else, grabbed a small purse for it and walked outside.

~At Cash's house~

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~At Cash's house~

I walked inside and took my shoes off, leaving them at the door. I walked into the kitchen and waved to Cash. Cash explained what he had planned, but then he brought up Maverick. I looked down and sighed, why does Mav wanna hang with me? Doesn't he hate me?

Y/n:Alright I guess

Cash:YAY! Come on let's go sit in the front, MAVERICK GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!!

Maverick rushed down stairs and smiled at me. I gave a smile back, before looking away and blushing. I looked at him and saw his cheeks had a tint of pink on them. Oh boy, what will this day bring?

Word count:642

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