the o' ratchlin derby

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Emily's POV

"over here! i'm open!" i called, one of the boys threw the ball to me and i caught it with ease, i ran closer and closer to the line until i was thrown off my feet by someone tackling me, i rolled the ball underfoot to Mitch and he ran to the line, scoring the winning points for our team, we all group hugged and said our goodbyes, all the guys ran off throwing the ball to each other,

"hey you're not too bad at rugby, for a girl," i shot him a hard glance which i could tell hade him uneasy, "sorry," i smiled to show he was forgiven, "so what now?" he glanced at his watch, "I'm free another 2 hours," i thought for a second then remembered that i was at my dad's house these next few weeks, now my dad isn't your standard dad he owned a monster truck derby, 

"you like monster trucks?" i asked,

"monster trucks, oh my god yes!" he cheered throwing his arms in the air, "easily my favourite derby's gotta be o' ratchlin derby," i smiled, yes my second name is whitaker but my dad's isn't, my origional second name was o' ratchlin, but my mum re-married and i inherrited the name, whitaker.

"I'm guessing seen as you asked then you're into them," he suggested,

"nah," i shook my head, "i'm not into them, i am dedicated to them, i spend my spare days helping repair them, i was taught how to build them at the age of 12,"

"whoa whoa wait, you 'build' monster trucks," mitch stopped me,

"No, i help build them, there is no way i could do it by myself, i can't keep it jacked and be underneath it at the same time can i, i'd be crushed," i continued walking,

"ok so you play about 5 instruments, rock climb, speak 4 languages not including English, know karate and build monster trucks,"

"and i skate board, snowboard, surf, rollerblade and i drive monster trucks, I've acctually won 2 competitions on the subject," 

"show off, is there anything you haven't done?" he nudged me,

"well,I don't have 4 million odd subscribers on you tube" i smirked at him, "I did win two competitions in monster truck derbys but i lost 14, i can skateboard, snowboard, surf, and rollerblade but i have broken both arms in several places, broken two fingers, dislocated both my shoulders and fractrured both my wrists twice while learning to do so, it took me 13 years of my life, 3 hours a day to and i took 10 classes a week to learn how to play all the instruments, i had to teach myself the languages which took up a bloody lot of time, i almost cracked my head open while learning to rock climb and i quit karate 5 times before i got to black belt, how's that for you?" he stood in awe, "i didn't learn all these things overnight y'know, it does take time, i worked really hard to impress people, especially my parents, i really wanted to be the best i could be, they weren't bad people they were just so kind, even if i did bad, i don't even know why i wanted to impress them, just image i guess,"

"Yeah, well you did good," he hit my shoulder knocking me over slightly,

"ha, well, would you like to go to a derby then?" i asked rubbing my arm,

"definately but don't all the derbys close at 12 and open at 8?"

"yes, but not when you're dad owns one," i grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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