heart stopper

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My fist flew past his face and he thrusted his knee into my stomach, Jerome’s nose was bleeding badly and I felt my insides jump as I fell to the floor, Mitch had one of them in a tight headlock and Jason was punching the crap out of him… Oh wait you guys want to know how we got here in the first place. Ok then.

Heart stopper

I was laid there on the tarmac, just trying to look around at my surroundings, I looked up and saw that Colin’s window was open, it had happened again. The back of my neck was bleeding and I nursed it with some tissues I found in my blazer pocket, one of the lenses of my glasses was cracked, again, I checked that my phone was ok in one of my inside pockets, but when I reached inside I yanked back my hand in pain, all my palm was covered in glass and bleeding badly, I reached quickly back inside, winced and yanked out a phone, the corner was gone. I brushed off as much glass off my palm as I could and pressed the home button, the screen flipped into life. It still worked. I looked at my screensaver; it was me and Mitch (thebajancanadian) at last year’s minecon, I had treasured that picture ever since it was taken. My IPhone pinged and I saw that my you tube channel had got another subscriber, I would’ve celebrated with a ‘yes’ or a ‘woo’ but now wasn’t really the time, when I looked on my subscriptions I saw that Mitch had just uploaded another hunger games and it made me smile despite the pain I was in, I clicked the off button and placed it on the floor next to me, I carefully turned my pocket inside out spilling out my timetable for school, some earphones for when Miss Wright got too boring to listen to in math and half a pockets worth of glass, once I had made sure I had got out as much as possible I placed my phone and other stuff back in my pocket and slowly stood up. Once I was upright I bent backwards and clicked my back, it felt like heaven, I brushed the glass onto the lawn next to the drive way and turned to look at the house again. I debated on going back in and kicking Colin’s ass but then remembered how I had woken up this morning and it made me turn and walk away. Once I was halfway down the street I pulled out my iPhone again and started to watch the hunger games. Mitch was my dream guy; he always made me laugh and cheered me up when Colin got me down. He sort of made my life better than it was. Wait, I guess I’d better introduce myself.

I’m Emily whitaker, I’m 16 years old, I live in Canada, I’m studying I.T. computer programming in high school and I’m obsessed with bajancanadian. I’ve liked his channel since he started but only started to like him when I turned 15, my bff’s also like some you tubers but I’ll tell you about them later. I was just walking into town from my little village and once I had got into the centre I could smell where I was going, my uncle owned a joint called parichi’s pizza parlour, my favourite diner in town, I was very hungry for some reason, I probably didn’t eat last night with all the commotion so I was ready for my family special, a huge pizza for one, it is actually a challenge where if you win then you get a t-shirt and a spot on the wall of fame, but I’ve powered through it so many times that they’ve stopped putting my picture up. But don’t go assuming I’m fat because I work out and am nice and slim so as long as I keep it balanced then I’m good. I walked down the last street before my uncle’s joint and counted 57 worried looks, and before I walked in I looked at myself in the glass and realised that I had a bruise down one side of my face and a huge scuff mark on the other, it wasn’t bleeding, but it looked bad, I walked in anyway.

“Two pops and a paprika special uncle!” I yelled at him as I walked in

“No problem hon, coming right up, your table’s clear again,” he yelled back

“Thanks uncle!” I walked over to table 15, this one was always clear because everyone knew I sat there on a Saturday morning, I plonked myself down in the corner chair and put my chin in my hands on the table, my uncle passed me two glasses of coke zero “there you go hon,” he walked back to the counter,

love me forever (A Bajancanadian and ASFjerome fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now