fighting back

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Emily's POV

it was 2:00pm before we left the diner, an I had only just finished my pizza, for the first hour we were talking Mitch said nothing, just sat there on his phone, Jason was talking the most out of all of us though, but after Mitch’s hour of silence he started to talk again, said he was sorry for shouting at me, and I said I was sorry for giving him his red face, when we walked out Mitch stopped and leaned against the railings,

“Now whenever I come here I will always remember this spot as the spot I got beaten up by a girl,” he said teasingly,

“Well if you ever want to remember that slap any more just give me a call and I’ll happily do it again,” I pulled him a cheesy grin, and he gave me playful frown,

“I think I’ll pass,” he said putting his hand up,

“Well I’d better get home, my mum will be wondering where I am,” I started to walk away from them,

”Do you live far?” Jerome asked

“Not really just about a mile up the road,” I pointed behind me,

“We'll walk you then,” Jason offered,

“Really?!” I said in disbelief,

“Sure, why not?” Mitch added,

“Thanks guys,”

Jerome's POV

we started to walk down the long road, we kept asking asked Emily questions the whole way, we wanted to find out more about her, but when we were about 100 yards away from her house, she was pushed into the pavement, I heard laughing an looked up, it was some kids about Emily's age,

“Morning loser, how's your day been, and it looks like you've finally got some male friends,” one of them said, she was stood with her arms folder,

“Yeah unlike you and you and your barbie doll friends over there, and also to be honest, I’ve had pretty shit day Trixie,” Emily stood up and stepped forward so she was nose to nose with Trixie, “I’m already pissed off enough without you and your ass hole friends getting all up in my grill,” Emily's voice sounded threatening and hollow, not like she did in the diner,

“Don't worry Em, we won't be getting up in your grill, we'll be getting our fist in your face,” Trixie pulled her arm back and swung at Emily, I was about to grab her arm when Emily nibbley dodged pulled Trixie's arm onto her shoulder and flipped her over her head and backwards onto the pavement, THUMP!

“We have this same situation every time you talk to me Trixie,” one of the girls behind Emily was tiptoeing up behind her, “You will never learn that I’m not afraid to hurt people to shut them up,” I tried to grab the girl's arm but I couldn't reach, the girl pulled back her arm to punch, Emily swiveled around and uppercut the girl in the stomach, “Tut, Tut, Tut,” she waggled her finger at the girl, “Now you should know better too Rose,” Emily patted the girl on her head and whispered something into her ear, the girl nodded and ran off, we were all watching the girl run off when I heard a loud scream, Emily was laid on the floor clutching her left thigh, Trixie slid a pocket knife back into her jeans,

“Let's go girls,” she tried to run past me but I grabbed her arm and pinned her against a wall,

“What is your problem?!” I yelled at her face,

“You!” she headbutted me, broke free of my grasp and ran off followed by the rest of her friends, I clasped my nose it wasn't broken but it hurt like hell,

Mitch's POV

I ran to Emily,

“Are you ok?” I asked her, she winced and pointed to her hand, it was ridden with blood, “Oh god,” I murmured, I lifted her hand slowly and saw that the knife hat gone through her trousers and slice about 1 inch into her flesh, it made me gag but I scooped her up in my arms and ran towards her house,

“Go straight in,” she said weakly, sh turned the handle for me and I ran in, her house was modern, it had numerous pictures on the walls and drawings dotted around on the tables, I sat her on a seat in her kitchen,

“Do you have any bandages?” I was speaking quickly and starting to panic, she was losing a lot of blood, it was even all over me,

“Top left cupboard in the first aid kit,” she pointed to an overhead cupboard, I retrieved the kit and scrambled through it, coming out with a bandage, I started to roll her trouser leg up, I felt her tense up as I did it, I felt very invasive but I had to do it, the gouge looked even worse without clothing over it, I started to wrap the bandage around the wound on figures of 8 and tucked the tail under the other bandages, I collapsed to the floor in relief, when I stood up I washed my hands and passed Emily a paper towel to wipe hers with,

“Thanks Mitch,” she looked at me and smiled,

“No problem,” I dried my hands on a towel,

“Mitch, can I ask you something?” I nodded “When you were shouting at me...” I knew where this was going,

“Yes,” I said simply, Emily looked up at me “yes I did mean what I said,” I felt so much better after I had got that out of my system, but I didn't tell Jason or Jerome I just let them come in and wonder what we'd been talking about.

love me forever (A Bajancanadian and ASFjerome fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now