A lazy day

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[Hey bros!! I'm back!! Sorry I have not updated in FOREVER!! I got rid of my Wattpad for a little bit because I needed a break, but I'm gonna be updating and working on other stories. if you want me to make any stories tell meh and I will. Ok guys enjoy :)]


You and Slender were chilling on the couch watching tv. It was about winter time and you felt a shiver go up your spine. Slender looks at you and wraps his arm around you and pulls you in close to him. You smiles and rest his head on his shoulder. "___?" You look up at him, "What?" He ruffles your hair, "Is it ok of we just have a chill day?" You chuckle then smile, "Yeah that's fine. I'm way to tired to do anything." He chuckles then changes the channel. You laugh as Ridiculousness comes on, "BRO I LOVE THIS SHOW!!" He "smiles" and puts the remote down. You chuckle at the show and Slender nods, "Ok." You chuckle at his reaction, "Don't judge me!!" He chuckles, "You can't stop me!!" You smile.

BEN Drowned

You and BEN where sitting on the floor playing video games. Shocking. You laugh as you kill BEN. He looks at you with puppy dog eyes and ruffles your hair, "I just got killed by my girlfriend. Nice." You chuckle and he responds. You hide behind a tree and snipe him in the head. "STOP IT!!." You shake your head, "NEVER!!" He smiles and he responds then runs away from you. You catch up quickly and shoot him in the head. On the screen papers HEAD SHOT. BEN screams and looks at you, "STOOOOOP!" You shake your head, "What is it 48 to zero?" He nods. You kiss his cheek, "I learned from the best." He chuckles, "I tough you to well I think." You chuckle, "True. Wanna keep going?" He nods, "I need to redeem myself." You chuckle then shoot him again. He glares at you then laughs.

Jeff Da Killa [hehe]

You and Jeff are sitting in his bed watching movies. You look down as you feel your cold hand turn warm. You see Jeff has intertwined his fingers with yours. You blush a little bit and rest your head on his shoulder. He smiles then chuckles at your tomato face. You chuckle at the movie. You where watching 21 jump street. You both laugh as they try to make each other puke. Jeff ruffles your hair then kisses the top of your head. You smile then throw something at the door as you see BEN peaking his head through. You look at Jeff, "We are so quiet." He nods and you chuckle. You look at the clock and see the time, "It's only 12:39 P.M." Jeff groans, "I'm jot getting up I'm lazy." You nod, "Agree." Your stomach growls. Jeff calls Slender and asks if he could being food and he does. You eat then your eyes slowly shut again and rest your head back down on his shoulder. Jeff looks over and smiles, "Good night, morning. I don't know anymore." You smiles lightly as you fall asleep.

Eyeless Jack

You and EJ where sitting on the floor looking at the ceiling, "___. What are we doing with out lives?" You shrug, "I have no idea." He intertwines his fingers with yours. You smiles and slide off his mask sneakily. He chuckles and lets you do it, you blush as you see his face, "AW!! ITS SO ADORABLE!!" He blushes and hides his face in your neck. You chuckle then kiss his cheek. He smiles and turns on the tv and rests his back on the couch. Still sitting next to you. You smile looking at his face. He chuckles, "Is it that handsome?" You nod fast, "Hell yeah." He chuckles. You keep smiles and then you turn your head to see the tv. You sit up so your back is resting on the couch next to EJ. He intertwines his hand with yours. You smile then rest your head on his shoulder then chuckle at the show.

[Guys you are awesome!! As I am writing this, this story hit 1K!! Thank you guys so much!! Ok enjoy the story.]

Laughing Jack

You and LJ are sitting outside on the ground next to a tree. You look at him and you smile. You watch the clouds go by. You see this one cloud that looks like a butt. You show LJ and you both break into laughter. You both watch the cloud go by and he put his arm around your shoulder and you put your head on his shoulder. You smile at how sweet LJ is being. You chuckle as you see BEN run outside and trip running away from Jeff. You look at LJ and see him in a laughing fit. You smile and look around. It was fall so you saw all the leaves falling and all the colors of fall. You smile of how pretty everything was. There was a little bit of cold in the air but you were warm by LJ. He kisses your cheek and you blush a light pink. You both sit there all night until you started to fall asleep. He carried you inside bridal style.

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