When he asks you out

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You and him were sitting in the woods on a tree. You were swinging your legs back and fourth looking out into the distance. He just kept looking at you. You could feel him looking at you so you started to laugh. You turned your head to look at him, you smiled. "You know your beautiful ___." He said pulling you into a hug. "You really are." He messed around with your hair for a little bit. He pulled you into a tight hug and whispered into your ear. "___ will you go out with me?" Tears started to form in your eyes. You hugged him back just as tight and repeated "yes" over and over. It was getting late. He carried you bridal style to your house then put you in your bed. He kissed your cheek and tucked you in. You watched him climd out of your house and disappear into the woods.

BEN drowned

You and BEN were at GameStop. You two were getting close over the last couple of weeks. You were about to reach for a game that you wanted when BEN pulled you into a closet. "BEN what the fuck?" He pulled you into a hug. "___ your the only thing I really care about more then video games." He put his head on your shoulder and mumbled something. You pushed him out of the hug. "BEN speak like a normal person." He took a deep breath and repeated what he said. "___ will you please go out with me?" Your eyes widened and you pulled him into a tight hug and mumbled something. He pushed you out of the hug. "___ speak like a normal person." You both laughed. "Yes I said yes." He pulled you into a tight hug and then opened the closet door. You finally got the game you wanted and the boy you loved.

Jeff the Killer

You woke up with your hands clasped to a metal chair in a room with only one light. You sighed. "JEFF WHAT DO YOU WHAT!?!" You and Jeff had been getting close over the last weeks. Jeff walked from a room that let some light it. For a split second you could see pictures of you and him hung on the wall. You gave a little chuckle. He walked up to you and whispered in your ear. "Don't laugh at me." You chuckled again and he chuckled with you. "Now Jeff why do you have me like this?" He nodded and turned on the lights. On the walls in ketchup was the words "Will you go out with me?" You looked over at him and asked him to untie you from the chair. He looked down and slowly nodded. You got up and took the ketchup and wrote "Yes!!" On the wall next to his. He looked up at you and pulled you into a tight hug. "I love you ___!" He whispered into your ear. "I love you too!" You two kept hugging for a little. "Jeff you know you did not have to got through all of this I would have said yes anyway." You laughed. "Don't ruin my fun." He stopped out of the room like a four year old. You laughed.

Eyeless Jack

You were laying on the couch next to EJ. You were looking at him and he was looking at you. "___?" "Yeah?" "What the hell are we doing?" You looked at him. "I have no idea." He pulled you into a hug. He played with you hair a bit. You chuckled and let his play with your hair. "___?" He looked at you. "Yes?" You looked back at him. "Will you go out with me?" He played with his thumbs. Your eyes widened and you hugged him tightly. "EJ." You said with your head over his shoulder. "Yeah?" "Yes!!" He returned the hug as soon as he heard that. The rest of the day you two just watched tv on the couch in each other's arms.

Laughing Jack

You and LJ were on a Ferris Wheel and it stopped right on the top. You are kinda scared of heights. (if not that is awesome but be for this story •^•) You looked down and your freaked out. LJ could see you scared. He pulled you into a tight hug. "LJ when is this gonna go down? I wanna get out." It was one of the Ferris Wheels that is just a cart with a bar across to keep the people "safe". LJ put his chin on the top of your head. "You'll be fine your with me." Tears started to form at the thought of the falling. "Please just don't shake the cart." You sniffled. He knew that you were crying. "I would never do that." LJ nodded to a person down on the ground. "___ I need you to look down for a second. It's something that will make you happy." You nodded and carefully looked over. People formed the words. "___ will you go out with me?" You turned to LJ and nodded. Finally the Ferris Wheel when down. When you got off you have LJ the biggest hug of your life.

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