Chapter 6

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Dimitri's POV

I took my stance beside the door almost feeling invisible.But that doesn't bother me anymore. Our minds were drilled with 'They come first' from a very young age. The guardians are meant to protect the moroi and sacrifice themselves in the process. We are meant to be invisible. But its no news that most of the moroi take us for granted. They don't respect our feelings or appreciate our sacrifice.

Almost all the guardians left only me and Guardian Petrov was there in the room. Me because I am the sanctioned guardian of Princess Dragomir and her because she is the captain of the Academy Guardians.


Someone said from the corner of the room. With a great effort he stood up with the help of his close guardian Guardian Spiridon. He is Prince Victor Dashkov, a moroi and a royal one at that. He is around 40 years old but looks twice his age.

Moroi rarely suffer from any illness. I guess he is a from those rare ones. He is suffering from a chronic disease called syndovsky syndrome.

Its true that most moroi don't care about us but he is one of them who doesn't treat his guardians like trash. I have talked to him once and he did treat me like his equal that is why it is so unfortunate of him suffering from a disease like this.

"Uncle", princess exclaimed and wrapped her arms around him gently.

Prince Dashkov tapped her shoulder lighly in affection and gave Novice Hathaway a nod of acknowledgement and a smile.

Princess Dragomir and Prince Dashkov are not blood related. Her parents were close friends with Prince Dashkov and explains her calling him her uncle. He also has a daughter Natalie who's the same age as the girls.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you safe, Vasilisa. And you too, Rose."

Shock of Prince Dashkov's condition on Rosemarie's face could be clearly seen by anyone. She still hasn't learned to mask her emotions. There is still so much for her to learn, but she will. I don't know how or till when, but she will.

She must be shocked by the Prince Dashkov's appearance after all they were gone for a really long time. They must have seen him two years ago.

Which brings me back to the constantly nagging question at the back of my head 'Why did they run away?', I don't believe the stupid reason they say, no one in their right mind would leave a heavily guarded Academy with a moroi no less just to get away with some property damage. That moroi being the last member of the Dragomir family surely makes this more serious and the way Rosemarie tries to protect the princess so would never do something like this without a solid reason which being the Princess Dragomir's sanctioned guardian I need to find out.

Headmistress let the girls have a few moments with the pitiful moroi then stiffly drew them back to their seats and started with her lecture.

She lectured her all about the rules and the regulations, the danger of strigoi, being the last living member of the Dragomir line also a princess and her running away with a novice making it a scandal. She reminded her about her responsibilities, her position and influence on the moroi world occasionally giving Novice Rosemarie ugly glares. I have a feeling she has some unresolved issues with her, infact it seems she hates her guts. Princess heard everything with her head down in shame and embarrassment whereas Rosemarie looked least concerned about it. She was finding the files on the shelf more interesting, infact her eyes were trained on a file in particular.

Now it was Novice Rosemarie's turn. Ugh, it's going to be a long day.

Abe's POV

I am currently reading the reports and percentage errors of tests done by various genetic laboratories but none of them has 0 percent error in DNA test. I selected the closest to the Academy in Missoula which has 3 percent of error conservation and can deliver results in three weeks. I am just trying to think what my mental condition would be in those days so restless. I chuckled.

In 10 minutes I would be landing in Missoula, only Academy's jet is allowed to land on the Academy's airstrip. I could have easily convinced anyone who would object to me using it but I decided to lay low for a while. I don't want anyone to know where I am and for what especially my sweet betraying Janine.

Did she really hid my child from me? Did she do this to me? No, I know her, I love her, she couldn't do this.

But what if she did?

Then there must be a plausible reason for it.

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.

There are so many questions I need answers to and I hate to be in the dark and this is about me and my family if she is my daughter of course. I'll find out. I'll find out everything soon enough.

"Missoula", I told Pavel and he nodded.

We landed and it took us two very restless hours to get to the Academy gates. Pavel did the introductions and we were led through to the guest accommodations.

We were given five rooms, two for each. Me and Pavel settled in our respective rooms and were out of the suite in record time. We had to inform Alberta of our arrival and need to find out more about these girls.

With the help of Guardian Mathews we were standing outside Guardian Petrov's office in five minutes. But as we stepped inside it was bare and empty. Aside from her name tag on the table there was nothing resembling a personal item.

We stepped back outside and bumped into a middle aged man with some papers in his hands and a scowl on his face.

"Watch where you're going", he scowled angrily.

I raised an eyebrow amused and spared a glance at Pavel. He had his Guardian mask on but a amusement could be seen in his eyes and a smile was threatening to spill.

I ignored his comment, clearly he has no idea who he is talking to.

"Do you know where we could find Guardian Petrov? She is not in her office", I asked.

" She is in Headmistress Kirova's office now that Princess Dragomir and that Hathaway girl is back. I'm telling you she is not coming back to this Academy, I won't let it happen. She is the most infuriating student I have ever seen. She doesn't deserve to be a Guardian.", he said and I clenched my fists. He has started to get on my nerves now. I pasted a dangerous smile on my face.

"Thank you, Guardian...."

"Alto. Guardian Stan Alto. But who are you? Are you here to visit? ", he replied smugly.

"Thank you Guardian Alto. Myself Ibrahim Mazur. I'm sure I'll see you again.", I replied more like threatened and its none of his business what I am doing here.

That smug smile and color of his face drained in front of me. I smirked. Oh he sure as hell stay away from me and my daughter.

My daughter.

It surely has a nice ring to it.

We left him with his mouth hanging open and color drained from his face.

Smirk vanished from my face and nervousness crept in. I am going to see my daughter for the first time in flesh and blood.

She is not your daughter.


Rounding the corner I could see the gates of Headmistress's office. I slowed my steps. Am I ready for this? There is still time I could just go back and no will know about this. But What if she is my daughter?

Pavel placed his hand over my shoulder. "Do you want to be a father?", he asked.

I want to be a father. I want to love someone like no one else. I want to take care of her. I want someone to spend my money on. I can do this. I have to do this.

I nodded and Pavel smiled at me.

"Come on".

We were standing outside the dou le doors and I was about to knock when.

"You Miss Hathaway... ", the amount of venom behind the voice surprised me. That must be Headmistress Kirova.


Hello guys!! Tell me how was this chapter. I'll be waiting for the comments. Tell me you want the next conversation in Dimitri's POV or Abe's POV.


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