Chapter 4

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Dimitri's POV

We reached the private airport and the girls were in different cars. Rosemarie was with me as she needs more attention. God only knows when she'll try a new trick to run away. I didn't want to take any chances that is why she's with me ,no other reason.

Yeah sure.

Whatever. I kept a close eye on her all the way to the plane.We boarded the private plane sent by the Academy.It had chairs in several rows with neat white covers.I guess this is especially sent for Princess because for dhampirs they wouldn't provide  such luxury.

I sat with Princess Dragomir in the front with two guardian beside me.Four other guardians behind us leaving one row of seats in between.Rosemarie sat in the middle row on the right corner facing the window.One guardian sitting with her and the others scattered at the back.

I looked at Rosemarie,she was looking outside the window with utmost concentration and checking up on Princess from time to time.She was stiff and on guard, aware of slightest movements of the guardian sitting beside her, as if a strigoi can pop up from anywhere any moment several feet high in the air.Maybe she is not looking for a strigoi,she is being aware of us.As if we are here to hurt her,considering the past events how she tried to attack me,keyword tried,i guess the later is more correct.

The girls must be hungry.The image of Princess feeding from Rosemarie crossed my mind.I sighed.I guess Princess has already fed,she'll be fine till we reach the Academy.But Rosemarie didn't eat anything for a long period of time,moreover she must be suffering from blood loss.I should find her something to eat,she even looks paler than usual.

I stood up again and asked one of the guardian to look for something to eat and give it to Rosemarie. Unfortunately there wasn't anything solid, only bread and a banana but i guess it will be enough for the ride.After making sure there is nothing out of the blue i sat down.

I glanced at my right to Princess.She sat there all stiff,afraid and unmoving. If i didn't know any better,i would think she is a statue.I think i am making her nervous, ofcourse sometimes my height and built can work against me. Hence i decided to get up and find myself another seat to sit.

Go and talk to her.

I looked at her.She is beautiful with those chocolate brown eyes so deep that i could get lost in just one glance,with those long silky brown hair that whenever i see them my hands itch to run through them.I wonder how would that feel, my fingers between her beautiful locks. Hmmm.

Stop. What are you thinking? She is underage and I am a fully grown man. These thoughts can be expected from her but me? No.

What do you mean by "expected from her"?

I have read her file and all her disciplinary action reports, always found doing some mischief. One of those time with her male classmates as well.

Anyways, I went to seat where she was seated and asked the guardian to sit with the Princess. I glanced at Princess and as i expected she had visibly relaxed.

I sat down next to Rosemarie, she gave me a side glance and that's all.

Few minutes passed, nothing.Both of us were silent. I wanted to say something but what?

I cleared my throat, still no reaction.

"Were you really going to attack all of us?", I asked.

No reply.

"Knowing you were outnumbered, out of practice and suffering from bloodloss....". She glared at me. But i didn't back down.

"Doing that, protecting her like that was brave."
"Stupid. But brave."
"Why would you do that?", I finally asked.

"Because I'm her guardian!", she said with such conviction as if it is a fact.

I looked into her chocolate brown eyes just a few shades lighter than mine and was amazed by the level of determination, resolution and protectiveness I saw in them. I was stunned.

She turned her head back to the window and I was left speechless.

After taking few moments to collect myself, I stood up and took a seat in the last row to think.

Even in the chapel I sit at the last bench which gives me the much needed solitude.

If she is so dedicated to protect the Princess then why did she leave one of the most secure vicinity in the moroi world? Exactly what happened that they had to escape from the Academy?

Headmistress said they left because Rosemarie destroyed some of the Academy property, but now looking at her it doesn't seem enough. Something is missing. Something big. Big enough which can justify escaping a fully guarded Academy.

I wonder what punishment these girls will get. They will be used to set an example.

There are still a few hours until we touch the ground, I closed my eyes to relax but ofcourse aware of my surrounding as well. This is a technique a guardian has to master.

I thought about my family, my mother, her food, my grandmother, her visions and Ivan ofcourse.

Ivan. I miss him. I miss him so much. It feels so weird. It all feels so weird. Being in a foreign country with new people whom i know nothing about, guarding an underage school girl. Although it is a very good opportunity for my career, guarding a Princess but there is nothing familiar.

I feel so homesick but it makes me curious about what's next. Now that I have found the last Dragomir with an anonymous tip ofcourse, I am sure it won't be boring atleast and after mourning Ivan and blaming myself for his death for so long, I am ready for some adventure.

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