Chapter 5

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Abe's POV

I sat at my office desk in my mansion going through details of exports in Istanbul with Pavel standing right beside me. I have told him so many times to sit down, someone or a strigoi coming through my highly secured property is next to impossible but still this stubborn goat doesn't understand and I had to eventually let it go.

I am stubborn possibly the most stubborn person on the planet but this is something where even I cant convince him. It is annoying but also impressive.

There is pin drop silence, of course there is. No one except me, my guardians and my housekeeper Suzanne lives in this mansion. Sometimes I wonder I should live in an appartment because this silence is sickening.

I just found some miscalculation in the goods when Pavel's phone rang. I gave him a dangerous look, he knows I don't like disturbance while working. He has his poker face on which they call as a guardian mask. I can't tell if he got scared or not, i guess not.

He picked up his phone completely ignoring my glare. I sighed and tried to continue where I left.

"Hello!....hmm.....that's good.....Okay.... Thank you Guardian Petrov"

Pavel smiled. Hmm. He rarely smiles. Interesting.

"What happened? Found your long lost love?" I asked him and continued my work.

"No, your long lost daughter!".

"What?", I looked at him so quickly my neck got a whiplash. And Pavel had the audacity to laugh. I glared at him. Very dangerously. But I guess it didn't have the effect I wanted.

"Yes. They found Novice Hathaway and Princess Dragomir in Portland and are bringing them back to the Academy in Montana."

"Okay. Pavel tell Suzanne to pack a bag for me for 2-3 weeks, get Imran to fuel up my jet, ask Head Guardian of St. Vladimir's Academy to prepare a suit in Guest Accommodation, get me a list for genetic laboratories closer to the Academy and choose the guardians who will accompany us and tell them to pack their bags as well. We're going to Montana."

"Abe, wait."Pavel said. Only he is allowed to call me by my name.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean it is not even confirmed that she is your's. What if she is not?" He asked.

"But what if she is?" I replied.

"Abe? Are you ready for this?" Pavel asked with concern in his eyes.

I paused. Am I? I love Janine. I want to take care of this girl irrespective of the fact she is mine or not. I really hope she is.


Dimitri's POV

After few hours of relaxing with one eye open it was time to deboard. Academy cars were lined up outside the airport. I sent some of the best with Princess Dragomir and I preferred to keep Rosemarie with me and remaining took the third vehicle.

Me, Novice Hathaway, Guardian Alan, Guardian Miguel and Guardian Smith in the front car. Guardian Scott, Guardian Mechethy, Guardian Tameer and Princess Dragomir in the middle and remaining guardians in the back car.

It is a forty five minutes ride from airport to the woods where the Academy is located away from human's prying eyes.

The sun is about to set and last rays are coming through the car windows. I saw Rosemarie sleeping on the front seat I should have chastised her as the person setting shotgun shouldn't be sleeping but I understand. She hadn't had a proper sleep since three days and it's better if she gets some rest before she has to face the moroi world after two whole years.

She looked so peaceful while sleeping. So innocent, so beautiful. The rays of the sun shining through her hair making then look almost golden and making my hands itch to touch them.

Suddenly, she woke up with a start frowning and rubbing her arm but I couldn't find the reason.

I returned my attention back to the road ahead. Moroi's day is about to start which means the girls will be arriving when the Academy will be most active. Cruel.

We arrived at the gates, after security check we were allowed to enter. I got a call from the Head Guardian asking me to lead the girls to the Headmistress office through the common room where breakfast is in full motion at present. If you ask me that is pretty harsh, introducing the runaway girls directly to the whole school like a parade. But orders are orders and I have to obey them.

Guardian Tameer came to me and I asked him, "Everything went well with the ride here?".

"Yes, aside from Princess getting a scratch from her cat on her arm,nothing else."

The flash from when Rosemarie woke up rubbing her arm played in front of my eyes. Strange. Something is definitely going on with these girls. I'm sure of it now.

I dismissed the guardian and approached the Princess and Rosemarie informing them that Headmistress is ready for them. Princess nodded but Rosemarie scrunched up her face in displeasure which I found kinda cute. I suppressed a smile trying to escape.

I know Headmistress is more than strict but it's her job, managing an academy full of children and hormonal teenagers is not easy but she does get over sometimes.

"Hey, comrade.", Rosemarie said after leaving the group of guardians behind.

"So you want to talk now.", I quipped back remembering the one sided conversation we had earlier.

"Are you taking us to Kirova?", she asked ignoring my quip.

"Headmistress Kirova.", I corrected. She really doesn't like mentioning titles. Does she?

"Headmistress. Whatever. She's still a self-righteous old bit - ".

She stopped as we walked through corridors approaching the gates of the common room. Well, the parade started as we entered and walked in the middle of the crowded hall. Every pair of eyes were on us, not us exactly, on the girls.

I watched them out of the corner of my eye. The Princess looked ashamed had her head bowed down. On the other hand Novice Hathaway was walking as if she is on the stage of some fashion show, with confidence and her head up looking in the eyes of her fellow mates even smiling at some of them.

This girl is something. Is there nothing that could get her worked up? Oh, I know, harm coming to the Princess. That surely gets her worked up. I have had first hand experience of that. They way she tried to protect her even in the condition she was in that is something we rarely get to see around here nowadays. She will be an excellent guardian. I have never seen any novice her age so dedicated to protect the moroi. She doesn't even know if she would get her as an assignment but maybe she will considering Princess's parents specifically asked for Rosemarie to be their daughter's guardian.

Now students have started their whispering as we passed them. After what felt like a long time the walk was over and I knocked on the gate of Headmistress office.

After hearing  gruff come in I stepped aside and let the girls enter first and took my stance beside the door almost feeling invisible.

Here goes nothing.

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