Know Thy Enemy

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Laura's POV

Never in a million years did I ever see this coming. Why, why of all times did she had to come back now? Standing there as though she was ready to accept the fact that she's our mother.

"Hello Laura, it's nice to see you again." Isobel looked at me with a fake gentle smile.

"Again?" Jenna looked at me.

Oh no, this wasn't how Jenna's suppose to find out. I tried to explain but the words couldn't come out.

"So you're the woman who's dating my husband." Isobel spoke up as if filled with jealousy. "I need to speak to Laura, may I come in?" She asked.

"No!" I rushed to the door to stop her. "Don't invite her in." I glared at her. "I need to talk to you and your sister, Laura." Isobel said.


I slammed the door in her face without giving her a chance to explain why she was there. I turn back to Jenna who was already in tears looking at me in betrayal. "You knew she was still alive?"

I wanted to tell her everything but in that moment nothing would come out. "Ric? John? Did they know?" She asked.

"I can explained everything, Jenna." I said not realising the tears were already spilling.

"No." Jenna turned away and ran upstairs. "No. Jenna, please." I chased after her up to her room but she had closed the door on me.

"Jenna, please. Wait." I tried to open the door but Jenna had locked it. "Jenna, you have to talk to me. I need to explain what's going on."

I knocked on her door over and over again but she still wouldn't let me in. "Jenna, please." I said quietly which I failed to get her to hear me out.

~ ~ ~ Next Day ~ ~ ~

I told Elena everything last night and we tried to talk to Jenna but she's locked herself up in her room. We had to call Ric to let him know and he came as soon as we called him.

"Hey, is she up yet?" Ric asked her as soon as we opened the door for him.

I shook my head. "She won't come out of her room." I told him wrapping my arms around myself. "What did you tell her?" He asked. "Nothing. She won't talk to me." I said.

"We have to fix this." Ric said with a deep sigh.

At this moment Jenna finally came out of her room and we looked at her hoping to at least talk today. "Jenna."

"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go." Jenna said without even looking at us. "Okay, listen, I can't even begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now." Ric said trying to get her to talk to him but Jenna was still angry and upset to even listen.

"Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it." Jenna said grabbing her jacket from the coat hanger by the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house." She said as though she was disgusted by us.

"No, Jenna, please just stop. Let us explained to you exactly what is going on." Ric tried to talk to her again but Jenna was completely avoiding the subject.

"Elena, I need you to go to the Lockwood's today and get the Historical Society's cheque for your mom's foundation." Jenna looked at my sister.

"Okay but, Jenna, please just..."

"I don't have it in me hear anymore lies from you." Jenna snapped at us. "Jenna, please...." I called out to her but she slammed the door on us and left.

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